The Wi-Fi network XXXXX could not be set up for EAP.

Contributor II

Hello everyone,
We're trying to set up so we can auto join devices to our Wi-Fi. We've deployed the certificate and configured the payload for the Wi-Fi but we keep getting an error when trying to install the profile, saying - The Wi-Fi network "Wi-Fi name" could not be set up for EAP.

Any ideas what could be wrong, what we missed or what we can do?





Are you using certificate authentication? I would expect that you should be using TLS rather than PEAP.

Thanks for the info. Think we're on right track now. Found a help link through another post.

Yes, we're using certificate authentication. Now it's changed from TLC and the certificate is changed from .pfx to .cer and it went through so it's now on the device. It's trying to connect (auto) but it's just spinning end ends up trying after a while without any error message. What to do next, check Wi-Fi log or anything else?


New Contributor

It's probably wanting to use a private address if you are using mac address filtering. There is a setting in the profile to turn it off.

@jbuehrer is it any of these options?



New Contributor

Yep. It's the second one.  If you're network team does any kind of Mac Address filtering ether for the wired network or the Wi-Fi the Device can looked Like it's connected to the wifi, but is in fact not being served any data from the with since it fails the mac address filter. 


@jbuehrer, didn't help.