Posted on
04:13 AM
- last edited
Has anyone yet figured a way to write an extension attribute to report whether a device is TouchID capable or not?
does not seem to give any indication of capability regardless whether it's run on a TouchID capable device or not. There doesn't seem to be anything returned by system_profiler
to indicate. Struggling to find anything that could be leveraged...
Posted on 03-22-2018 06:35 AM
Here's a great reference that should do what you're looking for:
Posted on 03-22-2018 09:04 AM
So I don't know the exact key for the touchid sensor... I could dig around and find it.
The above will work until apple decides they're releasing external touchbars..
Posted on 03-22-2018 01:39 PM
That being said... You can apply policies that have touch id payloads to machines that don't and the machine won't do anything about it.
Posted on 06-09-2019 04:59 AM
@dfarnworth_barc I know this is "a bit" old now, but you can use this one liner to detect if the Mac is Touch ID enabled.
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print :$(sysctl -n hw.model):_LOCALIZABLE_:description" /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerInformation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/SIMachineAttributes.plist | grep -oc "Touch ID"
It will return 1 if touch id is available and 0 if not. So far it works on all mac models including MacBook Air with touch id.
Hope it helps.
Posted on 09-19-2019 09:21 AM
Good post @greatkemo I am going to try this one out
For anyone else another option is
Smart Group with Model Identifier > Is > #VALUE
Posted on 09-22-2019 04:22 AM
UnlockmymacStatus=`bioutil -rs | grep unlock | awk '{print $5}'`
if [[ "$UnlockmymacStatus" = "0" ]]; then
elif [[ "$UnlockmymacStatus" = "1" ]]; then
echo "<result>$result</result>"
TouchIDStatus=`bioutil -rs | grep functionality | awk '{print $4}'`
if [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "0" ]]; then
elif [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "1" ]]; then
echo "<result>$result</result>"
Posted on 05-28-2020 08:11 AM
For anyone who comes across this post, I did some testing and I had the most success using @txhaflaire's solution. My only modification was changing the replies to include Yes/No responses in order to make some Smart Group searches easier so that I could both see whether it's running and then my query looks for "like" filter with a "yes" response.
TouchIDStatus=`bioutil -rs | grep functionality | awk '{print $4}'`
bioutil -rs | grep functionality | awk '{print $4}'
if [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "0" ]]; then
result="Yes - Disabled"
elif [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "1" ]]; then
result="Yes - Enabled"
result="No TouchID found"
echo "<result>$result</result>"
<result>No TouchID found</result>
exit 0
Posted on 05-28-2020 08:55 AM
Here is what i setup for my org a few months ago, works nicely
TouchIDStatus=`bioutil -rs | grep functionality | awk '{print $4}'`
if [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "0" ]]; then
elif [[ "$TouchIDStatus" = "1" ]]; then
echo "<result>$result</result>"
Posted on 05-08-2021 10:21 PM
I took this a step further to identify not just whether Touch ID is available or enabled, but also who has enabled Touch ID on a given system. The script outputs to a bash array, since technically more than one user can enroll in it. First I check for who has >0 fingerprints enrolled and grab the UID. Then I translate UID to username for sudo -u
. The reason we have to do this is because bioutil -rs
gives system-wide status of Touch ID, and it may differ from the user-level status of Touch ID bioutil -r
. For instance, if I uncheck the box to unlock my Mac, bioutil -rs
will show "enabled: 1" but bioutil -r
run as the specific user will show "enabled: 0" .
GitHub link:
# This script will list all the users enrolled in Touch ID
# that have "unlock with fingerprint" enabled.
# First, check if the system even supports Touch ID
# If not, bail out and report unsupported.
touchIDfunctionality=$(/usr/bin/bioutil -rs | grep "Touch ID functionality")
if [[ -z $touchIDfunctionality ]]
echo "<result>Unsupported</result>"
exit 0
# Next, list all the users over UID 500 and run 'bioutil' with sudo -u .
# Only capture users that have > 0 fingerprints registered,
# and finally confirm that they have enabled unlocking the Mac.
tidEnrolledUsers=($(for i in $(ls -lan /Users/ | awk '$3 > 500 { print $9 }'); do sudo -u $i /usr/bin/bioutil -c; done | awk '/User/ && !/0 fingerprint/ { print $0 }' | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed "s_:__g" ))
for i in ${tidEnrolledUsers[@]}
tidUser=$(ls -lan /Users/ | grep "$i" | awk 'BEGIN { RS="" ; FS="
" } { print $1 }' | awk '{ print $9 }')
tidStatus=$(/usr/bin/sudo -u "$tidUser" /usr/bin/bioutil -r | awk '/unlock/ && !/Effective/ { print $5 }')
[[ $tidStatus == "1" ]] && tidUsersArray+=("$tidUser")
# Finally, print the results!
if [[ -n $tidUsersArray ]]
echo "<result>Active Users: $tidUsersArray</result>"
echo "<result>Not Enabled for Unlock</result>"
Kudos to my wife (a fellow Mac admin) who simply asked the question and inspired me to make this.
Posted on 04-11-2023 09:26 AM
Thanks Brad! This is exactly what I was looking for. However, I am testing with a handful of machines where I know Touch ID has been enabled for at least one user to unlock the Mac, but it's still reporting "Not Enabled for Unlock". I'm trying to debug now, but I'm running into a wall. Any ideas?
Posted on 06-25-2024 03:41 AM
Script now errors as the check is for "Touch ID functionality"
The grep shows this is now Biometrics functionality
12-22-2022 06:05 AM - edited 12-22-2022 08:41 AM
Just a note for the above EA's... this will only show you the status of the TouchID configuration and not if a fingerprint is enrolled. Ex. If a user enrolls a fingerprint, sets the config (unlock, Apple Pay, etc.) then removes the fingerprint later the EA's above will still show as enabled. To show if a fingerprint is enrolled you will need the result from the bioutil -c -s command as well.
Posted on 09-26-2024 05:38 PM
Hey All,.. long time viewer, first time poster ;P ... I modified bradtchapman's script as it was not working for me. So I had to ChatGPT a bit to tweak a few things. Below is what I came up with.
The 2 EDITS I made:
* Line 9, I changed the GREP to look for "Biometrics functionality" instead of "Touch ID functionality"
* Line 27 .. I had to change the awk filter after "Effective" from "print $5" to "print $4"
That seemed to get it to work on my M2 MacBook Pro on Sequoia 15.0.
I suppose there's some other cosmetic and wording improvements I could make,. but "workable functionality" was 1st goal.
# This script will list all the users enrolled in Touch ID
# that have "unlock with fingerprint" enabled.
# First, check if the system even supports Touch ID
# If not, bail out and report unsupported.
touchIDfunctionality=$(/usr/bin/bioutil -rs | grep "Biometrics functionality")
if [[ -z $touchIDfunctionality ]]
echo "<result>Unsupported</result>"
exit 0
# Next, list all the users over UID 500 and run 'bioutil' with sudo -u .
# Only capture users that have > 0 fingerprints registered,
# and finally confirm that they have enabled unlocking the Mac.
tidEnrolledUsers=($(for i in $(ls -lan /Users/ | awk '$3 > 500 { print $9 }'); do sudo -u $i /usr/bin/bioutil -c; done | awk '/User/ && !/0 fingerprint/ { print $0 }' | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed "s_:__g" ))
for i in ${tidEnrolledUsers[@]}
tidUser=$(ls -lan /Users/ | grep "$i" | awk 'BEGIN { RS="" ; FS="\n" } { print $1 }' | awk '{ print $9 }')
tidStatus=$(/usr/bin/sudo -u "$tidUser" /usr/bin/bioutil -r | awk '/unlock/ && !/Effective/ { print $4 }')
[[ $tidStatus == "1" ]] && tidUsersArray+=("$tidUser")
# Finally, print the results!
if [[ -n $tidUsersArray ]]
echo "<result>Active Users: $tidUsersArray</result>"
echo "<result>Not Enabled for Unlock</result>"
Posted on 09-26-2024 06:01 PM
Hmmmm.. I see now that this code seems to result in just a list of all accounts on the machine,.. so that's really not what I want. I asked ChatGPT for some improvements and it suggested the below. But it still shows "Active Users with Touch ID Enabled for Unlock:".. and the data returned is just a list of all usernames on the machine.
Posted on 09-26-2024 06:46 PM
Update on this,. I do believe the following code is a good improvement. I've tested on a couple different machines now and it only seems to respond with accurate Username of only those who have TouchID enabled.
# This script will list all the users enrolled in Touch ID that have "unlock with fingerprint" enabled.
# First, check if the system even supports Touch ID
# If not, bail out and report unsupported.
touchIDfunctionality=$(/usr/bin/bioutil -rs | grep "Biometrics functionality")
if [[ -z $touchIDfunctionality ]]
echo "<result>Unsupported</result>"
exit 0
# Next, list all users with UID > 500 (regular users, not system users)
# Check if they have fingerprints enrolled using 'bioutil'
tidEnrolledUsers=($(for i in $(ls -lan /Users/ | awk '$3 > 500 { print $9 }'); do
# Check if the user has a fingerprint enrolled and has logged in before
if [[ -d /Users/$i ]] && [[ -n $(last | grep "$i") ]]; then
if sudo -u $i /usr/bin/bioutil -c 2>/dev/null | grep -q "User" && sudo -u $i /usr/bin/bioutil -c 2>/dev/null | grep -v "0 fingerprint"; then
echo $i;
# For each user, check if unlocking the Mac with Touch ID is enabled
for i in ${tidEnrolledUsers[@]}
# Extract the output and check if the user has Touch ID enabled for unlocking
tidStatus=$(sudo -u "$i" /usr/bin/bioutil -r 2>/dev/null | grep -q "Biometrics for unlock: 1")
# If Touch ID is enabled for unlocking, add the user to the result array
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
# Finally, print the results!
if [[ -n $tidUsersArray ]]
echo "<result>Active Users with Touch ID Enabled for Unlock: ${tidUsersArray[@]}</result>"
echo "<result>Not Enabled for Unlock</result>"