Troubles Migrating to a JDS: Premature Termination

New Contributor III

I'm in the process of attempting to migrate my packages from the old file-share pre-9.x method to the new JDS, and I'm having some difficulty.

My root (and currently only) JDS instance is running on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server VM. I've installed the JDS via the .run script, and the JDS shows up in the JSS. I started the migration process from the Casper Admin console, but it choked half way through when it encountered a package with an illegal character. I corrected the package name and re-started the migration process, but instead of starting over, or picking up where it left off, it immediately went to "Migration Complete!" when it wasn't anywhere close to finished. The Migration button is no longer present in the Casper Admin interface and my JDS has 0 packages.

Now what? Is there a command I can issue to force migration? Some method for migrating manually?

If I try to replicate to the JDS in Casper Admin by selecting it in the sidebar, I get the following error from OS X:

"There was a problem connecting to the server HPS-JDS-ALPHA.
Contact your system administrator for more information."

Followed by an error from Casper Admin:

"There were errors replicating the distribution point(s). The log file is located at ~/Library/Logs/Casper Admin Sync Log.log

for more information.

HPS-JDS-ALPHA: Server could not be mounted."

The Casper Admin Sync Log has the following entry:

-- Replicating to distribution point https://HPS-JDS-ALPHA/CasperShareDAV 12/31/13 9:13 AM --
2013-12-31 09:13:04: Comparing files based on size
2013-12-31 09:13:04: Mounting https://HPS-JDS-ALPHA/CasperShareDAV...
2013-12-31 09:13:26: ERROR: The distribution point could not be mounted. The replication operation will stop
2013-12-31 09:13:26: Finished.
-- Unmounting https://HPS-JDS-ALPHA/CasperShareDAV 12/31/13 9:13 AM --

I can ping the server by DNS name and ssh into it. When attempting to mount the share manually the same error appears (though that could be simply because I don't know what username/password to use. My local administrator account on the JDS doesn't work, at least.)

I could follow the steps in this KB to get the packages on the JDS:

But until I figure out why the JDS isn't mounting for replication that's the least of my problems. In addition, the above method doesn't perform checks on the packages/scripts to ensure they meet the requirements for the JDS like migration does.


Contributor III

I can't speak to your migration scenario, but I'd give Casper Admin a try with 10.8.x client. Seem to be issues with 10.9.x/WebDav from what I can determine.


from the JDS can you run

sudo jamfds inventory

does it error?