Working with the Keychain in Terminal

New Contributor III

Hey all!

Having some issues working with the User's keychain (~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain) w/ a shell script. I'm trying to unlock the keychain (I have the user's password getting passed to it via a website). I'm actually trying to use the script that was presented in the 'Get user's to do your job' session at the JNUC, and maybe it's a 10.9 thing... dunno. But I can't seem to get the user's password to send successfully (and consistently) to the security command. Occasionally I receive a prompt for their Password, and it seems to be coming from the awesome /end sarcasm 'Local Items' keychain. Though I'm not 100% sure on that as my testing hasn't been consistent.

My goal was after they changed their password through our enterprise PW change process, to delete their keychain, create a new login.keychain, and then populate the necessary entries.

Anybody else run into this? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Grrrrrrr... 10.9, curse you!