Posted on 06-07-2011 02:22 PM
We recently had a configuration change to our AD domain controllers which has caused an issue with our 10.5 clients.
I'm looking at an easy way with Casper to turn off IPv6 on the 10.5 clients.
If I take the /Library/Preferences/System Configuration/preferences.plist file from a machine I turned IPv6 off I also get the computer name and other unwanted data. Has anyone tried this before? I'm not a script guru so I haven't ventured down that path.
This will be a temporary fix as we're updating the OS for out fall semester.
Thanks for any suggestions or pointers.
Brad Gunnells
University of Iowa
Information Technology Services
Instructional Services/Learning Spaces Technology
Iowa City IA 52242
(319)335-5524 FAX (319)335-5505
mailto:brad-gunnells at
Posted on 06-07-2011 02:24 PM
Try something like the script here:
On Jun 7, 2011, at 2:22 PM, Gunnells, Bradley R wrote:
Posted on 06-07-2011 03:04 PM
Have a look at man networksetup.
I think this will work;
sudo networksetup -setv6off Ethernet
But test test test.
Posted on 06-07-2011 03:21 PM
I had to do that recently due to our Meru wireless controllers having issues with ipv6 enabled.
You have to disable it on each interface.. So my script is:
# Disable IPv6 on all interfaces.
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off "Built-in Ethernet"
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off "AirPort"
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off "Ethernet"
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off "Ethernet 1"
/usr/sbin/networksetup -setv6off "Ethernet 2"
David Kucmierz
Mesquite ISD Technical Services
Posted on 12-07-2022 05:33 AM
This command disables IPv6 on all the active network interfaces.
networksetup -listallnetworkservices | sed "1d" | while read output ; do networksetup -setv6off "$output";done