Two DEPs

New Contributor II

Hey everyone, 

I notice that on one of our tests machines in the policy logs it shows that there are two deps running. 

I looked at one of them in the policy and I see it is scoped to a smart group. 

Would it be easy as removing the scoped smart group and have it only scoped to one DEP?

How can I have only one DEP run?





Esteemed Contributor

How many Pre-Stages you use, that is entirely on your business needs. We just use two, a production Pre-Stage, and a lab Pre-Stage (so I can test stuff without messing with production enrollment). All of our Policy and Configuration Profile scopes are handled by device departments, smart groups, and such and everything uses the same Pre-Stage. Only stuff that is applicable to all devices is put in the Pre-Stage.

Contributor II
Contributor II

What you have screen captured here is just the naming convention of your smart groups.  To verify "how many DEP" you have you would need to go to settings-->automated device enrollment and see how many are listed there.  If there is only one, your smart groups are just named in a similar way for whatever reason, to which you can rename them or get rid of them.

Sorry not your smart groups.....your policies 😶

New Contributor

Can I ask a question about it?