Unable to access Home Folder on exchange server

New Contributor III

JAMF Nation I have users running 10.7 and 10.8 that are unable to access there home folder. We running server 2008 R2 32bit. Any OS that is prior to 10.7 is working properly. Has anyone else run into this issue?




Release Candidate Programs Tester

New Contributor III

That didn't work thanks for the input.

Valued Contributor II

Might be similar. Have a look


New Contributor III

I think this is a different issue it does not matter if the computer is bond to the domain or not bond. Even with a service account the end user can't access the server.

Valued Contributor II

Sorry to state the obvious but have you tried manually doing a "connect to server" and typing in the home directory

Can you give us an example etc

Is the home folder on the 2008 R2

We need specifics about your setup and what you have tried to be able to help you.

New Contributor III

It is difficult to discern exactly what the issue is from your description, but I would guess that it is a permissions issue with a users$ file share and 10.7 / 10.8. What you need to do is change (unrestricted) the ACLs on the share and enable access-based enumeration - http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd772681(v=ws.10).aspx - if don't want others to be able to see everyone else's user folder. Either way they shouldn't be able to access another user's folder since they shouldn't inherit permissions from the root of the share, but access-based enumeration will make navigation easier. Also, Windows Server 2008 R2 is 64 bit only.

Please post more details.

New Contributor III

We are running server 2008 R2 32 bit fro our Home Shares. The issue is that you connect to the Users Home folder and the server states that you don't have permission. This is not working on system 10.7.3 and newer.

Valued Contributor II

Apologies for being blunt in advance (had few beers)

dude we are trying to help you.

That IS the problem. We had the same thing but now all is ok.

Read bentoms link and listen to imperative.

New Contributor III

I will take another look at the other post and let you know if that works.

Thanks Tim I know your just trying to help.