Posted on
10:25 AM
- last edited
I am having a very strange issue with an AD bound Mac that I am not sure why its happening or how to fix it. We have a user running a 2016 MacBook Pro 15" running 10.13.3 that is bound to our AD domain using the directory bind utility and up until recently have had no issue with it. But in recent weeks anytime this user reboots the machine, whenever he attempts to login to his AD account from the login screen his password is not accepted. But strangely after logging into a local account and logging back out the user is able to type in the same password that wasn't working before and it will allow them to authenticate. This happens regardless if the user is connected to the network or not. Their network account is configured as a mobile account so they didn't need to be connected to the network in order to login. They are also added to the FileVault user list of people that can unlock the drive. We are not sure why this is happening and cannot find anything definitive in the system logs. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Posted on 04-02-2018 04:50 PM
You could try this:
sysadminctl -adminUser "$GUIAdmin" -adminPassword "$GUIAdminPw" -secureTokenOn "$username" -password "$user_password"
GUI Admin would be the local account you are using and the user credentials for the user. I am still trying to wrap my head around this so please research, backup and test. The GUI user would have to have been created with the GUI and not the command line I believe.
I have been researching this today and suspect that you are running into the secureToken setting Apple added in 10.13.2 or 10.13.3. I found that here[](link URL)
I hope this helps
Posted on 05-16-2018 09:28 AM
Hi there, any luck with this issue? We have a user here experiencing the same exact problem.
Posted on 05-16-2018 09:32 AM
Are you by chance using Sophos AV?
Posted on 05-16-2018 02:01 PM
@jmahlman Yes, as a matter of fact, we do use Sophos AV on all of our machines....
Posted on 05-16-2018 02:05 PM
Posted on 05-16-2018 02:09 PM
@jmahlman Thank you so much, will give that a try later when the user is available (fingers crossed!)
Posted on 05-17-2018 12:35 PM
@jmahlman Thanks again for your suggestion, unfortunately, this did not resolve our issues at hand :( User is still unable to login unless logging off a local user first. Will continue to investigate.
Posted on 01-07-2019 05:24 PM
@mlee we are experiencing the same issue as you describe here. Did you manage to get to the bottom of it?
Posted on 02-06-2019 06:27 AM
Hi, I am experiencing the same issue. We are using Centrify and SEP.
Posted on 02-06-2019 07:43 AM
@cbruce @craitdepartment I definitely suggest revoking and reassigning the user's secureToken (and then update the preboot volume) to address weird login issues on AD accounts. Check out this script I put together to address the issue.
Posted on 03-11-2019 02:44 PM
We started experiencing this issue as well. To fix the issue
sudo mkdir /tempprofiles/USERNAME
sudo cp -Rv /Users/USERNAME /tempprofiles/USERNAME
Delete the user from System Preferences > Users % Groups
Unbind from the domain, rebind to the domain
Have the user login > Ensuring Mobile account is set (we do this automatically but others may not).
sudo /bin/cp -Rvf /tempprofiles/USERNAME /Users/USERNAME
sudo chown -Rv USERNAME /Users/USERNAME
Posted on 01-20-2020 07:49 AM
I don't know how to fix it but it is related to FileVault and the user incapable of unencrypt the hard drive. I am experiencing the same.
Posted on 01-20-2020 10:31 AM
I created the following script as part of a self service policy. It will prompt the user for their current password and then will remove them from the FV2 users and re-add them.
You need to pass it the local admin user name and password as variables 4 and 5
#! /bin/bash
adminName=$4 adminPass=$5 userName=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk -F': ' '/[[:space:]]+Name[[:space:]]:/ { if ( $2 != "loginwindow" ) { print $2 }}' ) fdesetup remove -user $userName if [[ "$userName" == "adminName" ]] || [[ "$userName" == "admin0417" ]]; then echo "Admin user is logged in." exit 1 dialog="Do Not run this tool when logged in as Admin! Exiting!" cmd="Tell app "System Events" to display dialog "$dialog"" /usr/bin/osascript -e "$cmd" fi echo "prompting user for Account Password" userPass=$(/usr/bin/osascript<<END tell application "System Events" activate set the answer to text returned of (display dialog "Enter your Current Account Password:" default answer "" with hidden answer buttons {"Continue"} default button 1) end tell END) expect -c " spawn fdesetup add -usertoadd $userName expect "Enter the primary user name:" send ${adminName} expect "Enter the password for the user '$adminName':" send ${adminPass} expect "Enter the password for the added user '$userName':" send ${userPass} expect" fdeList=fdesetup list | grep $userName
if [[ "$fdeList" == "$userName" ]] ; then echo "$userName Added successfully" dialog="$userName Added successfully" cmd="Tell app "System Events" to display dialog "$dialog"" /usr/bin/osascript -e "$cmd" exit 0 else echo "Adding $userName to FV2 Failed" dialog="Adding $userName to FV2 Failed" cmd="Tell app "System Events" to display dialog "$dialog"" /usr/bin/osascript -e "$cmd" exit 1 fi
Posted on 06-09-2020 01:01 PM
Found a fix! If you are using FileVault you need to enable the user access to it. Go to Security & Policy>FileVault and enable to mobile account to FileVault. This will allow the user to login with their own account
Posted on 07-27-2020 06:48 AM
I having this issue too. After a total shutdown, AD account refused to accept the password until it logged into a local account. I did checked the Security & Policy which have already enable via the securetoken upon creating the account. I do have a work around which is choose the AD account and enter the FV recovery key. After that it will ask you for your network account password again than the issue resolved. It wont refuse the AD password anymore. But i will like to check if anyone have a better solution than giving the FV recovery keys to users.
Posted on 07-27-2020 10:02 AM
This script was shared with me and allows to pass the SecureToken from a local user to the mobile.
# Name:
# Description: Adds SecureToken to currently logged-in user, allowing that
# user to unlock FileVault in macOS High Sierra. Uses
# credentials from a GUI-created admin account $guiAdmin
# (retrieves from a manually-created System keychain entry),
# and prompts for current user's password.
# Author: Mario Panighetti
# Created: 2017-10-04
# Last Modified: 2017-10-04
# Version: 1.0
# Changed by: jjourney 10/6/2017
# changes: Changed password prompt / check to match the code in
# Elliot Jordan <> FileVault key upload script
# Set the guiAdmin
# Changed by: jjourney 2/2018
# changes: Code re-arranged for better logic due to changes
# Updated secureToken code because it now(?) requires auth or interactive
# Adds user to filevault
# Run "sudo diskutil apfs updatePreboot /" at the end
# Changed by: jjourney 08/2018
# changes: guiAdmin now gives you the current users that already have secureToken
# via diskutil apfs listUsers /
# Removed jamfhelper and applescript confusion
# Added all osascript functions, should be easier to read
# Can now be used for both HFS / APFS
# Changed by: jjourney 11/2018
# changes: changed how to get cryptousers and processing the GUIDs
# accounts for users over 8 char and some 10.14(?) issues
# Setup: Fill in relevant IT + FORGOT_PW_MESSAGE
# Only jamf relevant piece is line 446, calls a policy to make current user admin, jamf not necessary
# applescript
# template:
########### Title - "$2" ############
# #
# Text to display - "$1" #
# #
# [Default response - "$5"] #
# #
# (B1 "$3") (B2 "$4") # <- Button 2 default
function simpleInput() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
text returned of (display dialog "$1" default answer "$5" buttons {"$3", "$4"} default button 2 with title "$2")
end timeout
end tell
function hiddenInput() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
text returned of (display dialog "$1" with hidden answer default answer "" buttons {"$3", "$4"} default button 2 with title "$2")
end timeout
end tell
function hiddenInputNoCancel() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
text returned of (display dialog "$1" with hidden answer default answer "" buttons {"$3"} default button 1 with title "$2")
end timeout
end tell
function OneButtonInfoBox() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
button returned of (display dialog "$1" buttons {"$3"} default button 1 with title "$2")
end timeout
end tell
function TwoButtonInfoBox() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
button returned of (display dialog "$1" buttons {"$3", "$4"} default button 2 with title "$2")
end timeout
end tell
function listChoice() {
osascript <<EOT
tell app "System Events"
with timeout of 86400 seconds
choose from list every paragraph of "$5" with title "$2" with prompt "$1" OK button name "$4" cancel button name "$3"
end timeout
end tell
########## variables ##########
# you can edit these
PROMPT_TITLE="Password Needed For FileVault"
FORGOT_PW_MESSAGE="You made five incorrect password attempts.
Please contact $IT."
# leave these values as-is
loggedInUser=$(/usr/bin/python -c 'from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser; import sys; username = (SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None) or [None])[0]; username = [username,""][username in [u"loginwindow", None, u""]]; sys.stdout.write(username + "
loggedInUserFull=$(id -F $loggedInUser)
########## function-ing ##########
# get password for admin that has secure token
getPassword_guiAdminAPFS () {
# already got the $cryptousers
for GUID in $cryptousers
usercheck=$(sudo dscl . -search /Users GeneratedUID $GUID
| awk 'NR == 1'
| awk '{print $1}')
if [[ ! -z $usercheck ]]; then
echo $usercheck
# make it nice for applescript
for item in $allusers
arrayChoice=$(echo $arrayChoice |sed 's/..$//')
# Let's-a go!
"Please select a user with secure token that you know the password to:"
"Select SecureToken User"
if [[ "$guiAdmin" =~ "false" ]]; then
echo "Cancelled by user"
exit 0
# Get the $guiAdmin password via a prompt.
echo "Prompting $guiAdminPass for their Mac password..."
"Please enter the password for $guiAdmin:"
# Thanks to James Barclay (@futureimperfect) for this password validation loop.
until /usr/bin/dscl /Search -authonly "$guiAdmin" "$guiAdminPass" &>/dev/null; do
(( TRY++ ))
echo "Prompting $guiAdmin for their Mac password (attempt $TRY)..."
"Sorry, that password was incorrect. Please try again:"
"OK" )"
if [[ "$guiAdminPass" =~ "false" ]] || [[ -z "$guiAdminPass" ]]; then
exit 0
if (( TRY >= 5 )); then
echo "[ERROR] Password prompt unsuccessful after 5 attempts. Displaying "forgot password" message..."
"OK" &
exit 1
echo "Successfully prompted for $guiAdmin password."
getPassword_guiAdminHFS () {
# already got the $cryptousers
fvusers=$(fdesetup list |awk -F, '{print $1}')
for users in $fvusers
# make it nice for applescript
arrayChoice=$(echo $arrayChoice |sed 's/..$//')
# Let's-a go!
"Please select a user account with that you know the password to:"
"Select Existing Filevault User"
if [[ "$guiAdmin" =~ "false" ]]; then
echo "Cancelled by user"
exit 0
# Get the $guiAdmin password via a prompt.
echo "Prompting for $guiAdminPass Mac password..."
"Please enter the password for $guiAdmin:"
# Thanks to James Barclay (@futureimperfect) for this password validation loop.
until /usr/bin/dscl /Search -authonly "$guiAdmin" "$guiAdminPass" &>/dev/null; do
(( TRY++ ))
echo "Prompting for $guiAdmin Mac password (attempt $TRY)..."
"Sorry, that password was incorrect. Please try again:"
"OK" )"
if [[ "$guiAdminPass" =~ "false" ]] || [[ -z "$guiAdminPass" ]]; then
exit 0
if (( TRY >= 5 )); then
echo "[ERROR] Password prompt unsuccessful after 5 attempts. Displaying "forgot password" message..."
"OK" &
exit 1
echo "Successfully prompted for $guiAdmin password."
# get password for currently logged on user
getPassword_loggedInUser () {
# Get the logged in user's password via a prompt.
echo "Prompting $loggedInUser for their Mac password..."
"Please enter the password for $loggedInUserFull, the one used to log in to this Mac:"
"Password needed for Filevault"
# Thanks to James Barclay (@futureimperfect) for this password validation loop.
until /usr/bin/dscl /Search -authonly "$loggedInUser" "$loggedInUserPass" &>/dev/null; do
(( TRY++ ))
echo "Prompting $loggedInUser for their Mac password (attempt $TRY)..."
"Sorry, that password was incorrect. Please try again:"
if [[ "$loggedInUserPass" =~ "false" ]] || [[ -z "$loggedInUserPass" ]]; then
exit 0
if (( TRY >= 5 )); then
echo "[ERROR] Password prompt unsuccessful after 5 attempts. Displaying "forgot password" message..."
"OK" &
exit 1
echo "Successfully prompted for $loggedInUser password."
# add SecureToken to $loggedInUser account to allow FileVault access
securetoken_add () {
sudo sysadminctl
-adminUser "$guiAdmin"
-adminPassword "$guiAdminPass"
-secureTokenOn "$loggedInUser"
-password "$loggedInUserPass"
# Make sure user has secure token
securetoken_double_check () {
secureTokenCheck=$(sudo sysadminctl -adminUser $guiAdmin -adminPassword $guiAdminPass -secureTokenStatus "$loggedInUser" 2>&1)
if [[ "$secureTokenCheck" =~ "DISABLED" ]]; then
echo "❌ ERROR: Failed to add SecureToken to $loggedInUser for FileVault access."
echo "Displaying "failure" message..."
"Failed to set SecureToken for $loggedInUser. Status is $secureTokenCheck. Please contact $IT."
"OK" &
exit 1
elif [[ "$secureTokenCheck" =~ "ENABLED" ]]; then
echo "???unknown error???"
exit 3
# display success message
securetoken_success () {
echo "✅ Verified SecureToken is enabled for $loggedInUser."
echo "Displaying "success" message..."
"SecureToken is now set to 'Enabled' for $loggedInUser."
# add user to filevault APFS
adduser_filevaultAPFS () {
echo "Checking Filevault status for $loggedInUser"
filevault_list=$(sudo fdesetup list 2>&1)
if [[ ! "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "User not found, adding"
# create the plist file:
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
</plist>' > /tmp/fvenable.plist
# now enable FileVault
fdesetup add -inputplist < /tmp/fvenable.plist
rm -rf /tmp/fvenable.plist
filevault_list=$(sudo fdesetup list 2>&1)
if [[ ! "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Error adding user!"
"Failed to add $loggedInUserFull to filevault. Please try to add manually."
"Failed to add"
"OK" &
elif [[ "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Success adding user!"
"Succeeded in adding $loggedInUserFull to filevault."
"OK" &
elif [[ "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Success adding user!"
"$loggedInUserFull is a filevault enabled user."
"OK" &
# run updatePreboot to show user
sudo diskutil apfs updatePreboot /
# add user to filevault HFS+
adduser_filevaultHFS () {
echo "Checking Filevault status for $loggedInUser"
filevault_list=$(sudo fdesetup list 2>&1)
if [[ ! "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "User not found, adding"
# create the plist file:
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
</plist>' > /tmp/fvenable.plist
# now enable FileVault
fdesetup add -inputplist < /tmp/fvenable.plist
rm -rf /tmp/fvenable.plist
filevault_list=$(sudo fdesetup list 2>&1)
if [[ ! "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Error adding user!"
"Failed to add $loggedInUserFull to filevault. Please try to add manually."
"Failed to add"
"OK" &
elif [[ "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Success adding user!"
"Succeeded in adding $loggedInUserFull to filevault."
"OK" &
elif [[ "$filevault_list" =~ "$loggedInUser" ]]; then
echo "Success adding user!"
"$loggedInUserFull is a filevault enabled user."
"OK" &
# make sure user is admin
# assumes it's bound to AD
$jamfBin policy -event $adminfix
########## main process ##########
cryptousers=$(diskutil apfs listusers / |awk '/+--/ {print $NF}')
"If there is not an account on the next screen that you know the password to, please contact $IT for assistance."
# check if actually apfs disk or not
if [[ -z "$cryptousers" ]]; then
unset loggedInUserPass
unset guiAdminPass
secureTokenCheck=$(sudo sysadminctl -adminUser $guiAdmin -adminPassword $guiAdminPass -secureTokenStatus "$loggedInUser" 2>&1)
# add SecureToken to $loggedInUser if missing
if [[ "$secureTokenCheck" =~ "DISABLED" ]]; then
elif [[ "$secureTokenCheck" =~ "ENABLED" ]]; then
echo "Error with sysadminctl"
"Failure to run. Please contact $IT"
"OK" &
# Clear password variable.
unset loggedInUserPass
unset guiAdminPass
exit 0
Posted on 10-29-2020 05:59 AM
I've had the same issue with most of my new JAMF enrollments, FileVault's been problematic to enable, but I figured out if I login as the admin and back out, it does enable. Then the former AD user cannot login to the FileVault login window. So, what I've been doing is similar to DustinB, is to remove the local user record, and have them re-login, and then re-add them to FileVault. It's a painful process. The basic command is: /usr/bin/dscl . -delete "/Users/$user" but I have a script that allows you to choose which user record to delete. This keeps the User folder, but removes the record. Then I have the user login via OneLogin and add them to back to FileVault.
Posted on 04-05-2021 08:46 AM
Anyone feel good about any of the solutions above? My list of users having this issue is slowly mounting and the current work around (logging into another local account, getting on the VPN, switching user with AD pw) is not ideal for my users. Been kicking the can down the road waiting for a magical fix. Is there any consensus on the best route to take? Of course we are all working remotely.
01-19-2023 03:07 PM - edited 01-19-2023 03:09 PM
Had the same issue after I had changed my domain password. I already had FileVault enabled and account was an authorized user, same as initial poster.
Issue was easily resolved taking 3 steps from this article (only tip is to check your device name from Disk Utility for step 2):
Posted on 01-19-2023 03:43 PM
We stopped binding to AD and use Jamf Connect now. So, these issues don’t happen anymore.
Posted on 04-03-2023 06:46 AM
Hello! I just got a Mac computer for a user in my office, as the user requested, and this is the only Mac in my network. I bound it to my AD quite easily, but now I meet the same problem as users above: I can log in with an AD account only if I log in with the local admin account first. If I try to log in directly with an AD account after starting the MAC or if I reboot it, it won't work. As people say, it seems that's a problem with FileVault, but the policy in my company is to encrypt computers so I had to activate it. I've seen scripts up above but I'm not used to working with Mac computers so I don't really know what to do with that. Please if there's a solution to this problem, could someone explain it to me step by step as if I was 6 (both because I'm a newbie with Mac environment, and because English is not my native language). Thank you very much!
Posted on 12-13-2023 09:17 PM
Scenario: Users trying to log in to a Mac computer using their Active Directory (AD) credentials with intermittent success.
Environment: Organization with 3 replicating Active Directory servers including one Azure AD.
Temporary solution: unjoin computer from AD and rejoin again
Possible solution:
1. In Directory Utility, tick on Prefer this domain and enter the name of the AD server closest to you (on site)
2. Optional: Tick create mobile account at login and untick require confirmation
3. Add the closest AD server IP address in the hosts file (they're in **/private/etc/hosts**)
Steps 1 & 2 can be mass-deployed using a profile created using Profile Creator.
Posted on 12-13-2023 09:33 PM
In Directory Utility is “Create mobile account at login.” checked in Advanced Options?