Unhiding ~/Library by default

Valued Contributor

Is there a way to show ~/Library by default on Lion machines?
In the User Templates it is unhidden,
so the hidden flag must be set when a user account is created.

I know that i can change it on a per-user basis,
i'd like to change it system-wide though if possible,
so when a user logs in for the first time his ~/Library folder is already unhidden.

Currently the only way i see to accomplish this is a separate policy running the chflags command on login once per user.

Any other ideas?


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Valued Contributor

Nice one, thanks!

Honored Contributor

The OS by default in 10.7 sets a flag to hide ~/Library, shown here:

bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ ls -alO
total 24
drwxr-xr-x+ 14 tlarkin  staff  -           476 Feb 20 14:30 .
drwxr-xr-x   5 root     admin  -           170 Feb 20 08:57 ..
-rw-------   1 tlarkin  staff  compressed    3 Feb 20 08:57 .CFUserTextEncoding
-rw-r--r--@  1 tlarkin  staff  -          6148 Feb 20 14:30 .DS_Store
drwx------   2 tlarkin  staff  -            68 Feb 20 09:44 .Trash
-rw-------   1 tlarkin  staff  -            12 Feb 20 14:12 .bash_history
drwx------+  3 tlarkin  staff  -           102 Feb 20 08:57 Desktop
drwx------+  6 tlarkin  staff  -           204 Feb 20 14:30 Documents
drwx------+  5 tlarkin  staff  -           170 Feb 20 11:11 Downloads
drwx------@ 34 tlarkin  staff  hidden     1156 Feb 20 14:41 Library
drwx------+  3 tlarkin  staff  -           102 Feb 20 08:57 Movies
drwx------+  3 tlarkin  staff  -           102 Feb 20 08:57 Music
drwx------+  4 tlarkin  staff  -           136 Feb 20 08:57 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x+  5 tlarkin  staff  -           170 Feb 20 08:57 Public

So, just using chflags you can change it, with a one liner.

chflags nohidden ~/Library

New Contributor

Does this work with Network Accounts via Open Directory? I tried putting this in the main Library folder and could not get it to work. Is there a way to make it a policy?



Contributor II

OK, I can't seem to accomplish this via script… This command has to be runs as the current logged in user, correct?

I perused the old mail list entries about running a command as the current user. I tried these:

current_user=defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist lastUserName
sudo -u "$current_user" chflags nohidden ~/Library/

#!/bin/bash user=ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4
/usr/bin/su $user chflags nohidden ~/Library/

#!/bin/bash CurrentUser=/bin/ls -l /dev/console | usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' # now execute unit commands as that user /usr/bin/su $CurrentUser chflags nohidden ~/Library/
exit 0

None worked via Casper Remote.

What am I doing wrong?

Valued Contributor

Why not just run the following as a Login Script running once per user. You would need to put a policy flush in your imaging routine but I think that should be done anyways.

chflags nohidden ~/Library

Contributor II

Matt, this command has to be run as the current logged in user.

Valued Contributor

Run a script that touches the User Template folder.