Uninstall Apple Software Update

Contributor II

Is it possible to uninstall an apple software update, or cancel a pending update from applying (after receiving prompt to reboot, but before rebooting)?

We're using CheckPoint disk encryption on some systems that haven't yet moved to FileVault 2. It seems like after a system is rebooted for an update, that Disk Utility is opened instead of the system booting. The small CheckPoint partition is verified as healthy with disk utility, but the system partition gives an error that it can't be repaired, so i'm guessing CheckPoint and updates aren't playing well together. In any case, we have a couple of systems on now pending a reboot to apply the update, and i'd like to revert those software update changes before it's too late (if possible)


Contributor II

Found that the CheckPoint FDE Boot volume (PPBE_BOOT) was being unmarked as the boot volume by the updates. Opening Terminal and typing

bless -mount "/Volumes/PPBE_BOOT" -setboot

and then restarting resolved the issue. Would still be curious to know if it's possible to roll back a security update or system update in case one ever does cause issues. Apple Support said "Time Machine" :). Not exactly as smooth as Uninstalling with Programs and Features in Windows.

Valued Contributor

"Would still be curious to know if it's possible to roll back a security update or system update in case one ever does cause issues."

Generally, no, it's not.

This is why it's great to have a way to deploy Apple updates to a small number of testers first before deploying them wide within your organization.

JAMF's NetSUS appliance (https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/viewProduct.html?id=180&view=info)
can help with that. It includes reposado (https://github.com/wdas/reposado), which can also be deployed separately.