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Forum Posts

Policy not marked as complete

All: I am running a script via a policy that creates a file on the filesystem and then reboots the computer into netboot. This works fine. The problem is that the policy is not marked as complete in the policy logs, so the job runs again when the com...  View more

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Set Computer Name and AD bind

Hey Guys, I am working with 10.6.8 and 10.7.3 machines and beginning the summer re-imaging process. We have a number of machines that are moving to different schools therefore requiring a different image and change of name. My techs are having issues...  View more

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SL to Lion update with 8.52

I am following the KB article on upgrading 10.6.8 to lion So on my test server I have noticed that I an not get the install to start. I am using the same process I used in 8.4 but I have now updated my test sever to 8.51. The package was deployed pro...  View more

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Disable users from installing Software Updates

Is it possible to block users from initiating a software update? At the moment, we turn off scheduling updates and use JAMF policies to push them out, but users can still initiate it themselves. Is there any way to block the update window and show "y...  View more

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Why Renew My Apple Enterprise Developer Program?

If I understood things correctly things have changed in how we're able to get into the iOS device management world with JAMF and NOT have to generate a certificate through an Apple Enterprise account. Is that correct? If that is correct then would an...  View more

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Delete Computer takes several minutes

My JSS is running fine, otherwise - inventory, policies, smart groups, etc - but the second I attempt to delete a computer, it takes several minutes to load the "are you sure" page, and then (going on half and hour now) does not seem to complete the ...  View more

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Plist XML to Binary / ICNS to PNG, Convertor

HI All, Since Self Service no longer supports .ICNS files and now uses .PNG files i have to convert all my icons to PNG. When i added new software to my JSS I take the icon out of the Application .app and use that for Self Service. I have therefore m...  View more

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Packaging AutoCAD for mac 2012

Hi Folks, Has anyone had much success with packaging AutoCAD for mac? We are deploying it new in our mac environment and was wondering if anyone had any particular method of packaging, or was it just a straight forward capture with composer? In our w...  View more

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AAMEE 3.0 Out now

AAMEE 3.0 for CS6 is out now, download links: Win: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/developer/creativesuite/AAMEE/win/ApplicationManagerEnterprise_3_0_all.exeMac: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/developer/creativesuite/AAMEE/mac/ApplicationManag...  View more

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CS5.5 AAMEE pkg fails in imaging workflow

Hi guys I know I'm late with this and we are currently on cs5 and cs6 is out, but I tried this the first time just to get an idea of the current imaging and deployment issues with cs5.5 so that I could get an idea if Adobe are making improvements in ...  View more

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HTTPS distribution

I'm trying to switch the distribution point from HTTP to HTTPS, but when a policy executes I get an error saying that the script could not be found on the server. If I copy the URL from the error straight into a browser, it downloads the script. Am I...  View more

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10.7.4 update via policy/SSI

I'm trying to make it possible to deploy the 10.7.4 update via SSI - I've uploaded the DMG to the JSS - but wasn't sure if it was more appropriate to upload the pkg. I've attempted to install via policy and SSI - but no luck so far. Logs show that th...  View more

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802.1x profiles

Yesterday I had to go to a remote site because their 10.6.x systems were having problems connecting to wireless. Upon investigation I found they had a lot of 802.1x profiles setup. Is there a way to programatically erase the profiles and reset new on...  View more

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Composer installing in /root/applications

Hi, I have made a Firefox package via Composer 8.5.2. I have tried pkg and dmg. I have used the drag and drop method and the built in diffs. Every time I try and install the package it installs it in /root/applications and not /applications. What hav...  View more

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Computer Lab Usage Reporting

Hi all I would like to be able to leverage the data in Casper to obtain some information about the usage patterns of our computer labs on campus. Each computer record has logs for login/logout events, which would be a good starting point for when a c...  View more

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Two Macs Fighting for the Same JSS Computer ID

I have two MacBook Airs that are duking it out for the same JSS computer ID. The first laptop was enrolled a few months ago, while the other one is brand new. When the new laptop is enrolled, it grabs the JSS ID from the older laptop. If I enroll the...  View more

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Off Topic - self encrypting drives

I've begun a little searching for info on the use of self-encrypting drives in Macs, as we have a looming encryption need coming up. We're looking at the usual FDE products (Sophos, Credant, CheckPoint, others?, Lion + FileVault), but curious about h...  View more

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Lion 10.7.3 image creation for Casper 8.43

Nation, I have recently upgraded from Casper 8.1 to 8.43 in order to deploy Lion. I have yet to be successful in creating an image for Mac OS 10.7.3 that will deploy via Casper. I am trying to create a full image and capture it for deployment. The im...  View more

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Scripts on 10.7.4

I set certain settings with script policies through the JSS but on a device loaded with 10.7.4 there are a few that are failing with this error. Script Result: sh: /private/tmp/ScriptName.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Operation not permitted The only...  View more

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