Uninstall Pre-Loaded iLife '11 and Install Packaged iLife Install From DVD


I have quite a few new Mountain Lion Macs coming in and haven't had a chance to create an image for them yet. I setup a Thin Install that bound the Macs to AD, installs iWork, and installs Office 2011. The issue I see is that the installed version of iLife Apps wants to update through the App Store and requires an Apple ID. I have a secure Apple ID that I use for downloading Apps for my school district (plus we have the Mac Software Combo agreement giving us the latest OS, iLife, and iWorks for all Macs). I DO NOT want to give this account out to all of my techs and staff to be able to use the Apps. I've been using an install of iLife '11 that I created from the DVD, plus I wanted to include iDVD...which the App Store does not. Does anybody have a solution they are using for this issue? I have quite a few of the Macs in place, so reimaging at this time is not an option.




Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I have a section in my post install script that deletes the three iLife apps from /Applications and then calls an iLife install policy from the JSS.

#  Delete iLife folders
/bin/echo "Deleting iLife Apps"
rm -rf /Applications/GarageBand.app
rm -rf /Applications/iMovie.app
rm -rf /Applications/iPhoto.app

#  Install iLife via Policy
/bin/echo "Installing iLife via Policy"
/usr/sbin/jamf policy -id 1419

Esteemed Contributor III

Might want to killall the apps before removing them.



Steve, are you doing this on new Mountain Lion Macs out of the box? What is your iLife install like? Is it from Mac App Store downloads or from the DVD?

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Yes, that is on brand new machines fresh out of the box from Apple. The iLife install is from the DVD. I had to re-package the DVD due to the signature issue from a year ago, or whenever it was. I believe I used Greg's fix for the signatures (http://managingosx.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/fixing-packages-with-expired-signatures/).

The policy that installs iLife also has the updates in it, so once iLife is installed, the policy then installs the current (until yesterday) updates so that I don't have to run software update multiple times.


Thanks for the info, Steve!


Will this work to eliminate the prompts for an Apple ID to update these apps through the App Store and grab updates from our local NetSUS instead?