Uninstalling Symantec DLP 15.8MP3 via policy

Contributor III

I created a package in composer to copy the uninstall_agent to the Endpoint folder that I received from our InfoSec team. I created a policy to install the file in the correct path and under Files and Processes, I've tried adding different options below. It copies the the agent and when I do ls -l, it is has the correct rights. If I open up terminal and change directories and run sudo ./uninstall_agent it works.


Different options tried

sudo ./Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint\ Agent/uninstall_agent

./Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint\ Agent/uninstall_agent

sudo /Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint\ Agent/uninstall_agent

/Library/Manufacturer/Endpoint\ Agent/uninstall_agent

I'm testing it self-service and when it runs it says complete, but the details


Result of command:

Could not open the log file uninstall_agent.log for writing logs. Please verify that the directory exists and user has permission to create the file.

The Agent uninstallation failed.



We deploy a custom package with the "uninstall_agent" to /private/tmp and run the following script:


### Change Location to where uninstall script was installed
cd /private/tmp

spawn ./uninstall_agent
expect "\]$"
send "Y\r"

sleep 30

send_user "Expect script completed."