Posted on 08-31-2011 03:06 PM
Hello All,
I'm no script expert can you please help me resolve this.
Here is the error that I receive from casper upon deployment.
Sending Wake On LAN command...
Opening SSH Connection to
Successfully authenticated.
Verifying Computer's Identity...
The MAC Address has been verified.
Checking Operating System Version...
Running Mac OS X 10.5.8 (9L31a)
Verifying /usr/sbin/jamf...
/usr/sbin/jamf is current (8.22)
Verifying /usr/sbin/jamfvnc...
/usr/sbin/jamfvnc is current (8.22)
Verifying /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist...
Preparing Policy...
Downloading UT-no sudo edited-Client.command...
Running Script UT-no sudo edited-Client.command...
Script Exit Code:2
Script Result: /private/tmp/UT-no sudo edited-Client.command: line 1: syntax
error near unexpected token `newline'
/private/tmp/UT-no sudo edited-Client.command: line 1: `'
Submitting log to
The script can be downloaded here
Any help would be great!
-- Jon Yung :: Desktop Support :: Campbell Mithun
222 South Ninth Street | Minneapolis | O 612 347 1568 |
Posted on 08-31-2011 03:30 PM
If I remember correctly the script requires user input (thanks for nothing
Extensis). What I did was pulled all of the questions and BS out of their
script so it would just remove everything and be done. My script is
attached, enjoy. :)
Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group
O: 515-247-2738
C: 515-770-8234
Posted on 08-31-2011 03:32 PM
The script is written to be run interactively not silently. You won't be
On 8/31/11 5:06 PM, "Jon Yung" <jyung at> wrote:
able to just throw this into Casper and go. If you double-click the
.command file on a machine where you want to remove UTS the does that work?
It's going to need to be rewritten if you need a silent removal. I haven't
tested this but it's looks like you can do this fairly easily with what
they provide. Do this:
Download TextWrangler from It's free and it will provide
you with a view of the line numbers that I'm referencing below.
Keep these lines and delete the rest:
Line 1 <-- begins with #!/bin/bash
Lines 69 - 243 <-- begins with echo "Closing System Preferences . . ."
and ends with echo ""
Save this as a .sh script (just a plain text file with a .sh extension)
and put that into Casper. You should be able to run this on a machine
whether or not someone is logged in.
William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 08-31-2011 09:22 PM
Disable HTTP downloads for the policy.