Posted on
05:18 AM
- last edited
open -b /System/Library/PreferencePanes/ParentalControls.prefpane
When I run this script in the terminal it is entering in to a parental control .
like that way i want to open a users & groups in that i want Loginitems is their any script to open directly this loginitems?
Posted on 07-21-2017 05:39 AM
I don't fully understand why you want to help users opening the Login items.
If you goal is to help (or manage) users to open specific apps/files I suggest to look at the tools outset and dockutil. They work great in combination.
I am a supporter to help users finding app's (by filling the Dock) but I am no fan to manage users to auto-start some apps.
Or is a loginhook what you are looking for? I strongly suggest to use it only for background tasks, not for starting Apps.
Posted on 07-24-2017 03:26 PM
try >sudo open -b /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane