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11:33 AM
- last edited
a week ago
Has anyone else seen "Unsupported InstallAction for majorOS update" in their management history? We're seeing a lot 13.5 -13.6 of clients showing that message for failed commands.
We're using the new software updates experience, and also using SUPERMAN v4. Right now super is failing MDM workflows, and I think the two are related. super logs seem to indicate at least some successful MDM commands, but the actual update fails. Those logs look like:
Thu Nov 02 10:17:36 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Successful macOS update/upgrade command request.
Thu Nov 02 10:17:36 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_api_error is: FALSE
Thu Nov 02 10:18:06 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Received push command "ScheduleOSUpdateScan", checking back after Jamf Pro's mandatory 5 minute delay...
Thu Nov 02 10:18:06 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_start_error is: FALSE
Thu Nov 02 10:23:18 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Jamf Pro's mandatory 5 minute delay should be complete, sending Blank Push...
Thu Nov 02 10:23:20 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Received blank push.
Thu Nov 02 10:25:09 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Received blank push.
Thu Nov 02 10:25:14 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Received push command "AvailableOSUpdates".
Thu Nov 02 10:25:38 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Received blank push.
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: MDM: Command error detected.
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_start_error is: TRUE
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_start_timeout is: TRUE
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_timeout_error is:
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Verbose Mode: Function install_macos_mdm: install_macos_mdm_phase is:
Thu Nov 02 10:25:39 MD-CLIENTNAME super[99878]: Error: Push workflow for macOS update/upgrade via MDM failed.
Kinda at a loss on this myself. Any guidance is appreciated… right now I'm leaning towards reverting back to the old terrible software update experience to see if that helps things but only want to do that if I've run out of options.
Some additional details, we're on Jamf Pro 11.0.1 (cloud) and using the latest superman v 4.0.1
Posted on 11-03-2023 09:17 AM
It looks like it using the MDM command to update and that is failing based on the last line of the log file.
So digging into that further. Can you rule out a token volume issue? Does the test client have a token volume?
Posted on 11-03-2023 09:40 AM
I ruled out token issues, everything is escrowed as expected.
I think MDM commands are being sent that aren't supported by this type of update. I found a couple other posts that seem to confirm that suspicion.
I'll probably just end up opening case with Jamf or reaching out to our rep next week. MDM software updates are so much fun to deal with.
Posted on 11-05-2023 01:49 AM
The source is that in the tenant the "Software updates" Beta is enabled, which breaks that API Endpoints. Just dissable the software update beta and super is working again.
Dissable it here:
Posted on 11-06-2023 08:18 AM
Thank you for helping me understand this better.
Posted on 11-05-2023 05:02 AM
I think that's what I'm going to end up doing, but according to the wiki, super supports the new API:
I've also got a test client that doesn't have super on it giving me the same "Unsupported InstallAction for majorOS update" messages in the command history, so I think I have more going on than a super incompatiblity.