update MS Office in place


We have Office 14.1.0 installed on our users machines. I am trying to upgrade to Office 14.5.7. but when I create a policy that I hope will do that the update package just ends up at the root of the boot drive without being installed. What am I doing wrong. Thanks loads.


Honored Contributor II

Should work fine. I was working on this today, although upgrading 14.2.x clients to 14.5.8.

Are you taking the Microsoft package, adding to Casper Admin and deploying via a policy?

Legendary Contributor III

@kyoung Are you perhaps repackaging up the Office updater into another pkg or dmg in Composer? You should not need to repackage an Office updater for it to work within Casper, unless you were doing some kind of special caching process.


I did use Composer. I will go back and use the downloaded pkg to do the install.


I downloaded 3 items from MS' website that were due for installation on our version of Office.
Microsoft auto updater
Microsoft error reporting
Office 2011 14.5.8 update
The first 2 came through as pkg and installed fine but the last one showed up as a dmg. When I opened that I got a CD icon on the desktop with no pkg visible. How do I extract the pkg from that CD image?

Valued Contributor II

@kyoung Office 2011 14.5.8 is already a package. If you click on it, and choose Get Info from the File menu, look under "Name & Extension" and it should end in .pkg. Microsoft hides the extension and changes the icon.

You just need to add it to Casper Admin, then 'install' the package with a policy. I suspect you want to create a smart group of users who has Office, but is not version 14.5.8. Wait.. 14.5.8 is out? I just deployed 14.5.7....

Signed, Lost in update hell.

Valued Contributor

You should only need to download one file (14.5.8 link)to update MS Office 2011. The downloaded file, which has an icon that looks like a CD, is a Disk Image (DMG). When you open the DMG it contains a file that looks like a folder. That file is actually the package (PKG) you want to drag into Casper Admin.

Somebody at MS is trying to make the icons pretty, but I can see how that could be confusing. The updater packages actually do work, which is nice.

Once you've got a good feel for how to do this manually I recommend using AutoPkg or AutoPkgr to automate this package download and you won't have to do this every month.


AutoPkg and AutoPkgr are the next things on my list.

Legendary Contributor III

Yeah, Microsoft is still using CD/DVD icons for their disk images. How quaint of them.