Update Zoom: Zoom app managed by your IT admin Message. Blocking from Jamf patching

New Contributor II


Whether updating through Jamf Pro or manually running the pkg to update Zoom, I've been getting this message since Zoom 6.1.11. 

"Your Zoom application is being managed by your IT administrator. Please contact your IT administrator to request an update."

I do have a configuration profile in place to only allow the screencapture settings for Zoom. That has been working fine for years.

Anyone have this same issue or know what's wrong?



Esteemed Contributor

Either you are managing Zoom with a Configuration Profile which is blocking updates, or when logging in to Zoom its pulling down configurations from its admin console setting this.


Also check to make sure you are not using Mac Apps to patch Zoom, I think those can block self updates for apps which would fall under a configuration profile from my points above.