Upgrade to Casper Version 9.0.1 fails, system unusable now

New Contributor

Upgrading from version 8.62 to version 9.0.1 received the error "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

This came up right after "Upgrading web app and starting up Tomcat 7 service..."

I was then presented with a window that stated "The JSS installation ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again."

The problem is the system was modified and JSS / Casper no longer works. I can't even get to a login page.

This is complete unacceptable.


New Contributor III

This sounds like an isolated incident, though very frustrating I'm sure. I suggest contacting JAMF support immediately. Contact information is available here: http://www.jamfsoftware.com/support/.

New Contributor III

Same issue for us. From version 8.71 to 9
Troubleshooting ongoing with JAMF support team
@burlinCW - Do let us know of any progress (I shall do the same)

Contributor III

I trust you guys have backups of your previous installation to restore...

I haven't tried the Windows installers, but it sounds like maybe one of the database upgrade scripts didn't work? (That's usually where I've had issues upgrading.) It might help to do a little maintenance before attempting another upgrade - I had issues going from 8.71 to 9.0, which I (apparently) fixed by purging unnecessary logs from the database and optimizing the tables.

I also had issues moving from 8.62 to 8.64, which I addressed by requesting the 8.63 installer. That worked for me - I was able to make the leap to 8.71 after that. No idea if that will address your issue, but I'll throw it out there. I think sometimes it's tricky jumping releases - sometimes it's no problem, but a few times it's caused issues for us. I try not to get too far behind in these cases, or at least try to keep copies of the installers when they're released.

Contributor III

I had this exact problem just setting up a brand new JSS (in a test environment) on a Windows 2008 R2 VM. After talking with JAMF these are the things we did to get it working:

- Make sure all AntiVirus and Anti-Malware aren't running during the installation. They can run after but not during.
- Only one version Java installed. Java 7 should be installed but if Java 6 is installed at all, it has to be removed. - Assuming you followed the rest of the directions for a windows installation from the Admin guide for JSS9, right click on command prompt and run it as administrator. Once at the prompt, use the "msiexec /i" and then drag the installer to the prompt and run it from there.

That should work but if it doesn't, contact JAMF directly. Hope this helps.

New Contributor III

In addition to the suggestions above you might need to remove any temp files from C:WindowsTemp and remove the JSS directory from Program Files. We encountered some issues upgrading our Windows Server 2008 R2 development server and this seemed to do the trick. Hopefully these installation oddities and ongoing issues with configuration profiles will be resolved before we upgrade our production servers.

New Contributor

After uninstalling and reinstalling Java several times and re-downloading the 9.0.1 Windows installer and running that several different times, it appears that the installation finally worked. Now at least the website comes up although it appears to be hung up on JSS Startup - Migrating Dates (10% Complete).

Thanks for all of the suggestions and helpful hints regarding this. If the "JSS Startup" doesn't complete in the next couple of hours, I'll just open a support ticket.

This tread can be closed.

New Contributor III

We just upgraded to 9.11 on Windows. Had to put in the below commands before restoring the database
Open mysql command prompt then type:

DROP DATABASE jamfsoftware;

#Recreate a clean 'jamfsoftware' database and grant appropriate permissions by typing:


GRANT ALL ON jamfsoftware.* TO 'jamfsoftware'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'jamfsw03';

The only issue now is,364 clients from a particular group has been removed.

New Contributor II

We had a very similar problem. The installer hung at the same exact point you mentioned yours crashed at. All our scopes for policies had been ruined and we had to go through them and re-setup all the scopes. It's interesting because some of the old scopes are still being read somehow (we can see in self service) but they won't run and are not shown in the JSS web view.

Ours was an upgrade from 9.0 to 9.0.1 not from 8.X though.