uploading mcx...

New Contributor

Hi everyone, For some reason, I am unable to upload any settings from within Managed
Preferences in Casper. Isn't the idea to upload a pre-existing manifest
on the local machine?

John McLaughlin
Technical Support Specialist
Newton Public Schools



Ah, now I understand what you're referring to.
On 1/8/10 1:14 PM, "John McLaughlin" <John_McLaughlin at newton.k12.ma.us> wrote:

I tried selecting the com.jamfsoftare.admin.plist, which was in binary
format, and uploading that. It failed.

Converting the file to plain text and uploading also failed.

Looks like a broken feature to me. I'm finding no mention of this feature in
the manual when searching for "upload".


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492


That's what Casper will do--create a local MCX manifest and apply that to
On 1/8/10 10:09 AM, "John McLaughlin" <John_McLaughlin at newton.k12.ma.us> wrote:
the machine.

Not sure what you mean by "unable to upload any settings". The JSS takes
care of distributing the XML file to the client Macs. You don't
upload/download anything yourself. You don't create the XML file yourself.
Can you elaborate?


William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492


John is talking about the ability to upload a plist file (upload setting) in Managed Preferences on the JSS. I also have not been able to get it to work, although I've only tried a couple of times. It may be picky about the xml code... I'm not sure if it does any checking. Some plist files are in binary format and you can convert them using "plutil -convert xml1 /path/to/plist". Has anyone else been able to use this feature successfully?


Contributor III

I asked about this when I first started playing with moving MCX out of OD
and into Casper. The support guy I talked to said it *should* be possible
for us to upload custom XML to the JSS for use as a template but he
indicated that this is not really what the button is for. He said that it
was for JAMF to possibly publish updates to the templates they gave us. This
was almost 5 months ago however and my memory of the conversation has faded.
I basically just took it as a "No" :)

Ryan M. Manly
Level 4 Mac Technician
Glenbrook High Schools
1835 Landwehr Rd.
Glenview, IL 60026
(847) 486-4948