Using Google Santa with Jamf Pro for App Restriction

New Contributor III

Hi there. I read somewhere that  GitHub Santa  can be integrated with Jamf Pro. If this is indeed true, can someone point me in the right direction to get started? And yes, I see the documentation included with the app, but was asking for more Jamf specific instructions as I am fairly new to MacOS Jamf configs. Thanks.


Esteemed Contributor II

@fotofojo You can deploy Santa via Jamf Pro, but there is no direct integration where you could manage a Santa install via Jamf Pro, and it would require additional infrastructure be set up.

New Contributor III

Thank you. I should have clarified. I am looking to "lock down" macs using santa. Do you have experience with this? if so, would you kindly share your knowledge? thanks.

Esteemed Contributor II

I looked into Santa several years ago, but never got to the stage of trialing it (we ended up going with a different tool that the Windows side of my org had a long history with and we had an ongoing license for)