VPP Association and Invitation Issues

New Contributor

I have one of my device where I have accepted the VPP invite at least a dozen times and it is still prompting me to accept. The user has a different ID's for iCloud and iTunes (not that this should matter.) In the JSS there are no VPP Assignments. For VPP Invitations I invite my "Student and Teacher" groups and exclude all users that have "Associated with VPP." It seems the VPP Association is not being maintained as it goes away shortly after the user accepts it. The device is being enrolled via DEP and in a PreStage Enrollment group. Any thoughts?


New Contributor

Once you accept the VPP invitation for the user, it will remember that username/email is now being managed. It's possible you have multiple users associated to that one device. Is it possible to remove the troubled device from the invitations list or is it the user/email address giving the problem.

Valued Contributor III
For VPP Invitations I invite my "Student and Teacher" groups and exclude all users that have "Associated with VPP." It seems the VPP Association is not being maintained as it goes away shortly after the user accepts it

That criteria is not a VPP Association but an Invitation Status of 'Associated'. Are you deleting old invitations? If so the status is also being deleted and thus 'forgotten'.

Please see this FR: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/featureRequest.html?id=2741

If this is not what you are doing, please provide a little more detail?

