Update:Do what Maxim suggests Fixed in my environment by: Global
Management >VPP Accounts > select account > content tab > "update
purchase content" button search for VPP app that is failing and select
add And if you continue to see issues, try this....
The above solution should help. Next to each app is also a refresh to do
the same thing. My problem was when the iPad went into a lock mode and
the screen went dark after restarting iPad. The teacher using it said
she turned on Accessibility mode and...
Once you accept the VPP invitation for the user, it will remember that
username/email is now being managed. It's possible you have multiple
users associated to that one device. Is it possible to remove the
troubled device from the invitations list or...
Has there been a resolution to this problem. I am experiencing the same
thing. Also when adding vpp codes manually, apps are being assigned to
devices, but it doesn't update in the Apps section. There will be one or
two assignments of the devices but...
Suggestion. I am currently rolling-out 25 iPads and wanted to take
advantage of this Pre-stage Enrollment process. I've set it up and
created SmartGroups to handout different profiles such as
restrictions.The way to get around the wifi issue is to US...