Jamf Pro
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Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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printer mapping...

Hi everyone, I'm contemplating creating a connection of some sort through shell tomy mysql db in Casper. I need it to query the printer id records usingthe cups names of certain printer conventions. Is anyone elseusing/scripting connections to their ...  View more

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Acrobat 9.4.0 Update Breaking SelfHeal Fix

I've rolled out the 9.4.0 patch to my machines, pushing the SelfHeal fix(change all REQUIRED/YES in the xml to NO) with the patch, but the updateseems to be ignoring the SelfHeal XML file. Has anyone else seen thisbehavior? Steve WoodDirector of ITsw...  View more

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KSMB printing

Has anybody worked with KSMB printing? I've got a working deployment tosome test boxes. I've adjusted the URI of the printers to the ksmbrequirements and uploaded the definition to casper. When I push downthe driver / ksmb package / printer definitio...  View more

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Casper Imaging application help

Hi All, The Casper Admin application has an option & it prompts to save password inkeychain access. Where as Casper Imaging application there is no option tosave the password & doesn't even prompt for saving the password.Is there any way for saving C...  View more

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Since more an more installers are no longer dropping .pkg files into the Receipts folder and are instead entering info into InstallHistory.plist, how are folks handling these? Do you drop that from your Composer snap shot? Thanksj--Jared F. NicholsDe...  View more

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new way to add wifi in 10.6 (old news to some of you)

This is probably old news to some of you, but I am just now deploying 10.6 machines. Before I was using the addwireless.pkg from the Apple deployment kit that was developed by their SE staff. That still works in 10.5, however in 10.6 it didn't work f...  View more

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Mobile Home Accounts

I'm having problems getting the syncing of mobile home accounts. Background Sync is working as expected (only syncing Desktop)Logout Sync is working as expected (only syncing Desktop)Login Sync is ignoring the inclusion/exclusion list and syncing wha...  View more

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Find video card info

Hi, is there a quick way (using Casper) to find out which video card is installed in a laptop? I'm thinking I probably need to create an Extension Attribute, but wondered if there was any other way. thanks paulPaul BenhamDesktop Operations AnalystBat...  View more

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FW: pushing out iTunes update, SUS?

Looks like we may have to jump from 9.2 to 10.1. Is SUS the best way to do this? We've never used SUS in the past. I'm mostly concerned with bandwidth of all machines trying to pull updates wirelessly (I know you can limit bandwidth used per machine,...  View more

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Smart Lists based on package cache

We're trying to create a multi-staged set of policies. It goes a little something like this. Policy 1Caches our CS5 package. Then it creates a list of machines that have it cached and that's the scope of our next policy. Policy 2Install the cached CS...  View more

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Importing assets

I have a CSV I want to import into our new JSS at my company. Is there a way to do this? I assume maybe I would have to do this through MySQL.  View more

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10.6 built-in Cisco VPN

I have managed to create SelfService for 10.6 built-in Cisco VPN configuration with DNS search domains, Shared Secret and Web Proxy settings pre-configured. Works gloriously :)Let me know if any one wants to know more…  View more

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JSS Script setup

I setup a script to run once per user, and on a test box it ran fine and didwhat it was supposed to do... So I signed that same user onto another boxand it didn't run. So I signed on with another ID and it did run. Ichecked the status of the script, ...  View more

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Installation of printers via Self Service

We are looking at the possibility of offering printer installs via Casper'sSelf Service. Currently all our printers deploy properly in our imageconfigurations, via Casper Remote or as part of policy install at start-up. My problem: When I create the ...  View more

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Software usage reports

I've heard there's a way to monitor software usage? A lot of software wepurchase as Œstandard' now when we get a new equipment is leftover from 10.4days, and I know Apple has seen to include a lot of the apps as part of theOS now, so we want to look ...  View more

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Dummy receipts

I was looking through the archive online, and found a thread from 1-12-2009,but our emailed archive doesn't go back far enough... It's basically how tocreate dummy receipts... Does anybody have this old thread with the screenshots they could send me ...  View more

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Hello from switzerland !

Hi all ! Here's a short email for you to know a little bit about me and my company. My name is Francois Tiffreau, I've had macs for a really long time, starting with the Apple II. I've worked in Apple as a Software Test Engineer for proApps, then as ...  View more

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Update notifications? (Wojda, John)

Hi John, If you are triggering the updates via Casper policy you can do what we did. Basically our Software updates install policy does the following: Runs a script that notifies the users that software updates are about to be applied and suggests th...  View more

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Smart group from trigger?

Is it possible to create a smart group from a custom trigger? With the new image I want to create a smart group to see how manysystems are using the new image and also to apply MCX settings to thatgroup. Is there a way to do it? I saw I can create a ...  View more

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Premature arthritis

We had an intern copy/paste 500+ serial numbers into a Smart Computer Group (of course, no import function). Afterwards, i took a peek and noticed a few errors. Is there a way to extract the list from the Smart Computer Group so we can reconcile with...  View more

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Update notifications?

We have a relatively small Mac population, but have a huge PCpopulation. On the PC side when an update comes out and gets tested andprior to deployment we send out an update notice via email. Our Macs use the internal SUS which downloads the file, an...  View more

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SWUS error

All of my client machines are getting the following error when attempting toconnect to my SWUS. "Error: The operation couldn’t be completed.(NSURLErrorDomain error -1102.)" My server is 10.6.4, I have completelyreset the Software Update service and r...  View more

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LDAP Server Integration - JSS

I haven't had success getting results when testing a query using the "all subtrees" option. I can only retrieve results via LDAP to AD using the "first level only" option. I am using 7.21. Anyone else see this? Does the current version resolve this i...  View more

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Hi everyone, Do any of you know exactly how or where to gather printer ids? I'vetried using the url that JAMF provides in the kb but couldn't get what Ineeded. John McLaughlinTechnical Support SpecialistNewton Public Schools  View more

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Database Size and Health

I'm still fairly new to Casper but am learning quickly. A question: I am, of course, backing up nightly my JSS database. For a number ofreasons, I've started inventorying (a Recon, basically) all mycomputers daily instead of the weekly default. And I...  View more

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Updated 10.5.8 Tomcat fails to start

I updated my server to 10.5.8, and the JSS web interface is not loaded. I check the JSS setup utility and notice TomCat is not running, I click start TomCat and still have a red "Light" and not web interface. What do I need to do? I was clipping righ...  View more

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possible feature request - run compile as root

I am not sure if this is possible or not. However, I have been trying to recompile an image for a week now. It is rather large and has many packages. I have to authenticate every time something else installs that needs it. Due to power outages, netwo...  View more

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printer mappings...

Hi everyone, I have users install multiple printers through use of a Self Servicepolicy that first deletes all printers and then installs selectiveprinters for a given building. However, when users are running thepolicies, they are only getting some ...  View more

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Calling all scripters...

Hi- Need a quick hand… I'd like to re-direct all my output from a script to a log file. Easy enough with an "exec &> " at the top of my script. However, I get no date/timestamp when I do this in the log file. I'd like it to look all purdy like system...  View more

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