VPP Token Revoked Before Expiration Date

New Contributor II

Our VPP Token has been revoked twice in the last month before its expiration date. I am able to get a new token and apply it to our JAMF instance. Any ideas on why our token is being revoked? The token does not expire until 2020

I am subscribed to email notification warnings that send out 30 days before the expiration of the VPP token.


New Contributor II


I had a similar issue, turns out Apple was revoking our license. We have some departments that have a couple thousand apps, when the vpp license is renewed, or it communicates for an inventory update with volume.apple.itunes.com, seems like all those update requests caused apple to flag the account and Apple revoked access. I had to call apple business support, explained my issue about VPP access, and they were able to 'unban' the account within seconds. May want to just give them a call, since it seemed to be quicker resolution than spinning wheels on this issue.

Hope this helps.

New Contributor II


Awesome thanks for your feedback. I'll have to reach out to see what they say.

New Contributor II

Also had this issue. I ran an Update Purchase Content command and the token was revoked. checking with Apple now to see why this happened. :(

UPDATE: it had been reviked by Apple, Business teams in store and over the phone couldnt do anything so i renewed the token and all ok now. but an annoying issue for sure!

New Contributor II

Our issue was that Apps and Books was enabled while we were still using the Volume Purchase Program for Education. We had to migrate all of our apps to Apps and Books along with using that token and the issue was resolved.