WebEx_MTG Removal

New Contributor II

hello everyone,

Removing Webex software on a Mac can be performed manually or by using the Uninstaller tool. but when I go to the Cisco page the Mac Cisco-Webex Uninstaller is a package that if i push thru JSS would prompt a window and need user interacion.

Other option is scripting a manual remove. deleting several folders and files and that for a large corporation can be quite risky.

Go to Mac HD > Users > User Account > Library > Application Support folder, then drag the Webex Folder to the trash.
Go back to Mac HD > Users > User Account > Library > Internet-Plugins folder, then drag the Webex.plugin to the trash.
Go to Mac HD > Users > User Account > Library > Preferences folder, then drag any files that have the word Webex in them to the trash.
Note: There may be 3-6 preferences files and some files that start with com.Webex.*
Go to Mac HD > Applications > Utilities, then open Terminal.
Go to Mac HD > Users > User Account > Library > Saved Application State folder, then drag any files that have the word Webex in them to the trash.
Type rm -rf .Webex, then press enter.
Note: If this command goes to the next line without any error, then it ran successfully.
Close the terminal window.
Empty the trash.

Anyone else had to remove Webex software silent and without user interaction?