weird self service issue

Honored Contributor

I have an on going issue with self service. It just loads the blank blue screen. All command line binaries work. I can run the following with zero issues on all machines:

recon manage checkJSSConnection upgrade policy

However, a decent number of machines will just get a blank self service page. I am wondering now if all traffic from self service is over port 80 and since we do have bandwidth limitations on our WAN for Internet usage I wonder if this is causing some bottle necks or connection issues. I am gonna pull up the Casper manual here in a sec and start digging into it, but if this is the case has anyone used custom ports for self service?

It seems if I recon the machine and wait about 2 minutes the self service works. I don't really get what is going on. My JSS is tweaked out to handle all sorts of connections and it is maybe at most being hit with 20% resources used at peaks (80% idle) and mysql process list never really tops over 200 (maxed at 300). So, I don't think it is the server.




Honored Contributor

This also seems to mostly happen over the wireless network. Almost all wired machines have this problem less.

Honored Contributor

DNS is solid. Look up forward, reverse, ping everything resolves. All servers return good with the changeip command.

Not applicable

Hey Tom-

We've seen this issue here as well sometimes but closing the app and going
back in usually fixes it. I'd be interested to hear what you find out.


*Jonathan H. Smith *| DDS: Deployment & Packaging | Genentech Informatics

(p): (650) 302-6985 | (e): jhsmith at | (w):

Valued Contributor


I had this Blank Self Service issue and this fixed it for me;

Edit your jamf.conf file (which is located in /etc/jamf.conf) and set the
serverPath to /

Your jamf.conf file will look something like this:

jamf.conf -- JAMF Software Configuration File
this file will allow the jamf command line binary
to locate the JSS (JAMF Software Server)

serverAddress =
serverPort = 9006
securePort = 8443
serverPath = /
ssl = true
vncPort = 5999


Not applicable

This works!!!!

WOOOOOOOO... thanks Cem!!!!


![external image link](attachments/8e1d460f1ed343469f5ee714dac1e8b7)
![external image link](attachments/cd76c7b4614f4f319ca6379f7a74edfc)

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Cem,

This happened a couple times in our isolated LAB environment. Stopping/restarting Tomcat fixed it for us.

BTW, none of our test computers show /etc/jamf.conf but everything is working fine. According to article 038 it should be there:



Valued Contributor

Hi Don,

You are right file no longer exist from v7.3. Client gets the
info from /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist and the fix I
have provided is only applicable prior to jss v7.3


Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Cem,

Thanks for confirming I'm not losing it. :)

I'm off to send in a KB article correction then.



New Contributor

It sounds like there are a number of available fixes, but in case it hasn't been discussed yet, in 7.3x, I've had success in resolving this blank Self Service screen by sending a "jamf createConf" command with appropriate server details to clients via policy.

-Matt Wright