What is "Limit to JSS Assigned User"?

Contributor III


I am trying to associate a policy to a user I created on the JSS. This is not an LDAP user, but a local JSS user. I would like to be able to login to Self-Service as this user and see the application. This led me to wondering what the "Limit to JSS Assigned User" option did in the Scope tab.

Any ideas, Tim


New Contributor

I too was trying to use this but could not find any reference to this selection.

Valued Contributor II

Under the Location Section you will see a line for "Assigned User." When that user logs in whatever you have scoped to the assigned user will be triggered. I use it for deploying CrashPlan Pro at the moment.

Contributor II

I just came to J-nation to find out what "Limit to JSS Assigned User" is.

JHB... you said "Under the Location Section..." Where is the location section?.. in the users record? in the policy?

Could you briefly describe the process?


Valued Contributor II

Peter, it's under Details when you view a computer record in the JSS. It should be the fourth section down on the left.
You should see Username and then Assigned User followed by email address fields. Our JSS is connected to AD so I just put a name in there and it does the rest as far as populating the information.

Contributor II

Ah, thanks.

We use OD and the Field is called "Real Name".

I was looking all over the place for "Assigned User"

Legendary Contributor III

You're not crazy. That field IS called "Real Name" in a normal JSS installation. You can change the display name in your JSS to anything you want by going to: Settings > Inventory Display Preferences > Location and changing the Custom Label for it.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hmm.. Does this have any effect on scoping for Self Service, or is it for 'login' (or 'logout') triggered stuff only?

It doesn't appear to be working for Self Service for me, but when thinking about it perhaps that makes sense (as policies seems to be aware of the console user only when triggered at login/logout, not at other times such as when using Self Service).

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

(double post, as usual)

Legendary Contributor III

@robo, that's a good question. I would imagine that if it did apply to Self Service, it would only apply in cases where your users are logging in to Self Service. If that option is not enabled on your JSS, I don't think you can make anything in Self Service user based, only scoped to computers.

New Contributor

I'm still confused. If I change the name of the field from "Real Name" (which we currently auto-populate from LDAP) to Assigned User, is that's all that is needed to invoke the JSS Assigned User limitation? Since the field is global, does that make everyone that used the enroll link a JSS Assigned User?