What's new in the Jamf Pro 10.34 Release


Today we released Jamf Pro 10.34 which includes enhancements to the Jamf Parent and Jamf Teacher apps, updates to the Jamf Connect auto-deployment settings, and new Shared iPad session features. This release also gives IT admins the ability to select which macOS version users or groups of users will download and update to. 


Jamf Pro Security Issues

Jamf provides the CVE-ID for security issues with high or critical severity when possible.

  • [PI-010190] URL injection is no longer possible through certain API endpoints.

  • [PI-005567] Jamf Pro no longer unexpectedly stores WLAN information in the keychain.

NOTE for on-premises customers: Be sure to review the release notes or installation guide for your platform for important information regarding a database backup prerequisite. 

To learn more about new features and additional resolved issues please read full release notes here.



Cloud Upgrade Schedule
Your Jamf Pro server, including any free sandbox environments, will be updated to Jamf Pro 10.34 based on your hosted data region below.

Need assistance identifying the Hosted Data Region of your Jamf Cloud instance? Check out this guide to find out how.

Hosted RegionBeginsEnds
ap-southeast-2Dec 3 at 1300 UTCDec 3 at 2200 UTC
ap-northeast-1Dec 3 at 1500 UTCDec 3 at 2300 UTC
eu-central-1Dec 3 at 2200 UTCDec 4 at 0800 UTC
eu-west-2Dec 3 at 2300 UTCDec 4 at 0600 UTC
us-east-1Dec 4 at 0400 UTCDec 4 at 1900 UTC
us-east-1 sandboxDec 4 at 0000 UTCDec 4 at 0900 UTC
us-west-2Dec 4 at 0700 UTCDec 4 at 2100 UTC


Next Steps

For real-time messages about your upgrade, subscribe to alerts.

For information on what's new in Jamf Pro 10.34, please review the release notes.



Valued Contributor

Does this upgrade automatically install version 2.7.11 of the CLI tools on RHEL?

Same question for all platforms...

@jtrant @JayDuff Unfortunately Jamf Pro 10.34 will not automatically install the latest version on the CLI tools (2.7.11).  The issue was discovered too late in the release process to get it into 10.34.  To avoid backup issues you will need to manually download the latest version here: https://account.jamf.com/products/other/jamf-pro-server-tools.


New Contributor II

Yikes - still haven't fixed the hanging "change management initialization" bug seen since 10.32?

Post the SQL commands for all the victims !

Good idea @djdavetrouble. Here's my teams documentation for it:

Since Jamf Pro 10.32.1, after running the Jamf Pro installer and then navigating to the Web UI, the loading bar gets stuck at the “initializing” stage and hangs until the following is completed. No fix from Jamf yet (09/27/21), but has an 
article here  

  • Stop Tomcat on all instances 
  • Run the following query in MySQL DB server:  
  • use jamfsoftware; 
  • truncate change_management; 
  • Start Tomcat on MySQL DB server
  • Once Jamf Pro is initialized, re-enable 'Use Log File' and 'Use Syslog Server' if needed and modify the Change Management log file location within Settings > System Settings > Change Management to the correct location
    • If re-enabled, it will get stuck at the same progress bar each time Apache Tomcat is rebooted....so be warned.

Contributor II

Considering the status of database backups, I think this announcement should include a caveat that the jamf-pro binary needs to be updated to 2.7.11 and a fresh backup taken before upgrading.

Contributor II

The release notes say that Jamf Remote will no longer be distributed in a future release. Can we get more details about this deprecation? This is a pretty important tool for us.

Same here!  I use it almost daily.

another vote for JAMF remote.  As both a remote screen sharing and immediate remote execution and troubleshooting tool, JAMF Remote is invaluable.  Deprecating this will leave a significant functionality gap in the JAMF mgt ecosystem.   Team Viewer may be touted as the remote screen sharing solution, but what of the other feature set that JAMF remote provides ?

Contributor II

personally would love to see a full end to end support helpdesk with remote access functionality included into the jamf eco system to replace JAMF remote. with ticket system and video/web/app chat, so when X user requests support, IT support have the tools and device information available from jamf pro as they establish a request.

Contributor II

Actually, I've been wondering if that's a minor goal here - for the remote-access solution, use/promote the TeamViewer integrations that have been incorporated, at the very least, as suggested by @RJH . As far as an end-to-end support system with ticketing and the chat features: I would find the chat features useful, but the ticketing would go unused by us, as we already have a ticketing system that is probably never going to hook into Jamf. 😞

I agree with @RJH that remote-access is only part of the benefits of Jamf Remote. On-demand deployment has been highly valued as a feature in the past, ignoring the past 18 months, of course.

Not to mention the ability to remotely login to the GUI in a separate session from the end user's GUI session as opposed to taking over the end user's session... very useful for performing management tasks that are more easily done in the GUI than the CLI.

I for one don't relish the idea of going back to the dumpster fire that is ARD for on-prem management.

Valued Contributor

Just wanted to add my voice to this sub thread on Jamf Remote deprecation.

For our computer labs it really helps having a tool like Jamf Remote when deploying. It helps in a way that a policy doesn't as it gives immediate feedback and also shows the log results quickly on one screen. It also lets me change or create local accounts quickly.

Yes policies can be used instead but not as well as Jamf Remote. I was hoping that it would eventually remove the need for Apple Remote Desktop, not make ARD my go to tool

We don't use Teamviewer and to be frank I'm be a bit gun-shy of that product with the number of times it has been used by scammers. Maybe that's unfair but it does seem like every time I see a video on that topic, TeamViewer is the tool of choice. Our Service Desk team does use a remote product for both Apple and Windows - just not TeamViewer and that one integrates to record the remote access in the Service Desk

So - it's the quick ability to deploy or do things with Jamf Remote that I like

New Contributor II

@mikeh I absolutely agree.  I would also like more details about the deprecation of Jamf Remote as this is an incredibly useful tool for troubleshooting and testing.

Valued Contributor II

+1 for keeping Jamf Remote

Contributor II

I am still missing an option to forcefully update the Macs and iOS/iPadOS devices. 🤔

iPad, available for managed devices. (providing they have suitable storage, aren't shared devices, and regularly check into the mdm).


Macbook, requires a fair bit more.



Jamf Remote is what we use also add another Vote for keeping Jamf Remote.  We need to know what is going to be deprecated.  


I too would like to know what is happening to Jamf Remote.  I have over 30 building support techs that currently depend on the application to update site computers.

New Contributor III

Our team uses Jamf Remote daily too.  Interesting we haven't heard a response considering the amount of concern shared by the community...

same here.  can't live without Jamf Remote. 

New Contributor III

Yes, we use Jamf Remote for on demand deployment and testing.  It is more than screen sharing app.

New Contributor

Same here, we use Jamf Remote daily for connecting to other macbooks, for pushing out apps, for rejoining devices to the domain, etc. etc.  

New Contributor II

We use Jamf in a school environment and it's been invaluable in pushing out printers and specific scripts to a computers on demand. Another vote for keeping jamf remote, or at the very least, an alternative for its functionality.

New Contributor III

Another vote for keeping Remote for it's one-off policy capabilities and instant feedback. We use it daily for all of its features. 


In lieu of Jamf Remote (since it looks like its going away) please consider voting for the following feature request: https://ideas.jamf.com/ideas/JN-I-25773 though I'd prefer Jamf Remote stay.



Is there a feature request for keeping Jamf Remote?  

New Contributor II

JAMF Remote must not be killed off! I use it daily for all of my tasks and do not have an unlimited budget to pay for another service like Teamviewer