when binding force to create mobile account

Valued Contributor II

We are using casper's binding to do AD binding. But even when we have it set to force create mobile account, it still prompts. Is there a way to have it not prompt?

We're on 9.21...


Legendary Contributor III

Are you sure the option "Require confirmation before creating a mobile account" isn't checked on? AFAIK, that's the only reason you'd be promoted when the account is created.
If that option isn't checked, it could be a bug, because it shouldn't be doing that. Also, what OS is this for? Mavericks, or something earlier?

Honored Contributor

I filed a BR with Apple last year on 10.8.x. The "Create mobile account at login" button unchecked after initial setup even though it was checked prior. Usually one reboot and a re-check fixed it but it was a problem for a while. I have not checked back with the desktop team to see if this still happens after 10.8.4/8.5.