Where can I find part-time Jamf admin work?

Valued Contributor II

For the next year or so, I need to earn some extra money on the side. I am hoping that I can find a company that needs some extra Jamf admin work. Perhaps I could do some of the boring tasks for someone, and free them up to do other things. Where's a good place to look for that? It doesn't seem that the normal job sites are a good place to look. Most companies want a full time employee, and I have no wish to leave my current job. I work for a great company that I don't want to leave. I would appreciate some suggestions. My bosses are totally cool with me doing this as long as it doesn't keep me from my regular job duties.


Valued Contributor

What about Craigslist, or contacting some MSPs who might be looking to hire admins on a contract basis? There is also the #jobs-board channel on the MacAdmins Slack.

I haven't yet tried these avenues so YMMV, but I'd also like to throw my hat in the ring for any part-time/contract work that I can do on the side - mainly to widen my skillset and build up my experience. That being said, good luck and do let me know how you go!