Win 2008 JSS + Java 1.7 ??

Valued Contributor

Does it work?

Finally ditching the xserve... Yippeee



we have been running our JSS on a virtual 2008 R2 server without any major issues. Tomcat has caused us some troubles, but i think we have finally gotten to the bottom of it after working with jamf support and increasing the number of max tomcat connections multiple times.

Contributor II

We've been using a Win 2008 R2 for well over a year now. We had to duplicate the Java directory and point to the duplicate. The tools used to do updates on the servers wasn't very friendly and caused Tomcat problems. Since then after the updates happen we can stop the Tomcat service and duplicate the updated Java directory and things are fine.

I had some quirks with Adobe apps and AAMEE tool...but can't say if that was related to the Win server and SMB share or the Adobe tools. Some would install during imaging, others I had to add after the fact via policy.

Valued Contributor

So, for clarity, your both using Java 1.7, as opposed to 1.6?

And on a tangent: with the well documented AAMEE packages over SMB issue (wrap the .pkg in a .dmg)
I'm keeping my distribution points on Mac Mini's, so is this an issue still; or can I expect the AMMEE .pkg to pass from Win JSS to Mac DP in tact?


sorry bout that, we had upgraded to 1.7 at one point and were functional. With the tomcat troubles we had and all the jamf troubleshooting we went through we ended up reinstalling java. we decided to go with 1.6 for reinstall since that was what jamf recommended at the time. The issues we were seeing were with the tomcat configuration and not the specific java version though....sorry cant be of more help

Contributor II

Another option to get around the AAMEE pkg issue is to use HTTP Distribution point instead of SMB. That is the route that we took.

We are currently running Java 1.6 on the windows server so i can't provide any help there.