Windows 10 Redirected User Profile Directories Read Only on Mac

Not applicable

Hi All,

We've started seeing issues on our macs where the SMB hosted, Windows redirected User Profile Directories (Documents, Music, Pictures etc) are Read Only (Locked in Finder) when browsed to on a Mac.

Nothing has altered in the way we do folder redirection in Group Policy and we've not changed anything on the Mac side either. We are using a mix of Windows 10 1803 and 1607, plus macOS High Sierra and Mojave.

If we manually unlock the directory on Mac, the next time the user logs into a Windows 10 machine the directory gets locked out again. The users don't see any problems on Windows 10 and can access, read and write to their redirected profile directories without issue.

Has anyone else seen similar issues and have a suggestion on how to resolve this? I've written a script that we can run at login to disable the Read Only flag but this isn't ideal and I'd rather identify the cause.
