wipe and new install of our apps lasts too long

New Contributor

we are a school and have 20 ipads managed by jamf pro. every ipad has the whole standard apps from apple (garageband, imovie, etc.) and some else, which is about 5 gb data. we rent the ipads to our students but we want to have the data which they produce (garageband songs, etc.) removed before a new student rent it. as there is no method to remove only the data we have to wipe them from jamf. (or is there another method we don´t know?)
so now the problem is, wiping is fast, but reinstall the apps (20 ipads, every has 5 gb) lasts too long. what can we do, to speed this up?
we have at the moment jamf pro 10.9 as a vm inhouse.

i only have heard of: macos caching server. inhouse appstore. what would be the best for us and how can we install it? we need a manual!


Valued Contributor

Caching Server might be the only thing that will speed up the downloading of iOS Apps over the internet. Also, if you are referring to Jamf Self Service as the in-house app store, that will make no difference. You could add items to Self Service rather than automatically install, but Self Service iOS installations still come from Apple.

Luckily you only have 20 iPads, that is really nothing. For that you'd only need a little Mac mini to cache the iOS apps if they are all on the same subnet.

New Contributor

hi Ryan,
thank you for your post. so, building up the caching server, what do we need? Older Imac is here with 10.13. Do we need the server software from the store? Is there a manual how do bring this caching thing up?

How do the Ipads know, that they have to load the apps from the caching server and not from apple?

questions over questions.... where can we get the infos?

New Contributor

or can we use the netsus too?


I'd say ideally you would have a dedicated computer for it. If that isn't possible, try it out. It might run fine really.

At any rate, Apple has some documentation on this here. There are some followup articles as well, but I'm not sure whether they cover the networking side or not.