Wireless and AD? Help!

Contributor III

Does anyone have some sort of step by step instructions or can point me to some on how to configure wireless in an AD environment so that a user can log into a laptop(mobile accounts) and not need to configure wireless? I get that a configuration profile is likely needed but as far as what certificates are needed and how to get them is another matter. I'm another one of those Mac admins on an island surrounded by Windows admins that aren't always too quick to help unless I know exactly what to ask for and sometimes that's pushing it. If it matters, I know that we're using Aruba for our wireless.

Any help on this front would be appreciated. I've searched through the board here and it's tough to know what to pull out of it for my environment and know what's now old material. Thanks.


New Contributor III

I'm in the same boat as you are.
I would very much like to know that as well.
What Certs are needed and how exactly to configure the Configuration Profile. I hope that anyone who has this working in their enviroamnet can share their their secrets.

Valued Contributor

This is a useful blog post that may get you started?