Posted on
02:22 AM
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Dear All,
I think I might not be the only person who is facing this problem, and I found some magnificent solutions already from this forum. But still I have something left not being able to solve out.
I got pretty a lot of help from this link, , and thanks to all the guys contribution.
The problem I am facing now is here.
After I get into the Xcode and created some demo app for macOS, and then hit the "RUN" button, after a while I will get an error
And when I try to create some demo app for iOS , and hit the "RUN", I will get this error
End of the day, they are all pointing to the permission or file rights problem. Something different for the domain users from AD to login than a local account login is that the primary group of the folders created by the domain users will be in format like this "domain namedomain users" , but for local account it will be staff group. I have tried to change the folders of my apps primary group from domain users to staff, and also tried changed to _developer group, but nothing works.
Please shed your light on my problem if you have any experience on this.
Thank you guys.
Best Regards,
Posted on 06-22-2017 02:28 AM
You should make all of your users members of the group: _developer
That should resolve 'access' issues..
More specifically:
sudo DevToolsSecurity -enable
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a everyone -t group _developer
those two are on separate lines - two different commands
Posted on 06-22-2017 06:47 AM
@PeterClarke Thanks for the quick reply, the two separate commands have already be executed. I got this problem after all these settings done already.
I am trying to compare the difference between localaccount and netaccount from MacOS, and the difference for the files and folders they created see if can find anything.
Posted on 06-22-2017 08:35 AM
Just a hunch...I see perm issues like this often on slower disks that are sluggish to update permission updates and changes. See if you can duplicate the problem on a high-end SSD (or at least Fusion) mac. You might find that they are gone on faster HD's.
Posted on 06-22-2017 06:10 PM
@SGill I actually met this problem on different hardware, I have MacBook Air with SSD also have this problem. Thanks for reply.
Posted on 06-26-2017 01:40 AM
Guys, I am back, the problem was partially solved, for the MacOS app, I can go to the Xcode Menu bar -- Product -- Schema -- Edit Schema , change "Debug Process as" from "Me" to "Root" , this will do the trick no more permission denied for the macOS app anymore.
But for the iOS app I am still have the same error as above, because the "Debug Process as" option is greyed out for iOS app, not sure why the settings are different, but sounds noway I can change this.
This might lead to another question that is there any difference between the admin account created by JAMF and the admin account created by Apple setup wizard, because I have another MacBook Air with the same version of Xcode installed, which not having this problem at all.
Posted on 07-02-2017 12:24 AM
Hi Everyone, end of the day, the problem is not the account at all. We have a restriction policy which disabled the whole share function, after we remove the restriction, everything just work fine. Most likely, the iphone simulator need to use the share function, and probably the network share, need to figure out more detail about this.
By the way, the console application did help a lot in this case.
Posted on 07-03-2017 12:08 AM
Guys, correction of my previous post. The problem is with the restriction policy there was a settings - Disallow users to start applications from "/Users" , this was the problem.