ZIP packages not deploying

Valued Contributor II

We upgraded our DPs with the migrate function of 9.2 C.Admin, which converted our pkg files to .zip files.

Now when I try to deploy something, the policy fails. Any ideas how to resolve?

Executing Policy 10.9 Mavericks...
[STEP 1 of 4]
Mounting Hoffman to /Volumes/CasperShare...
[STEP 2 of 4]
Caching package...
[STEP 3 of 4]
Installation failed. The zip file contained no package.
[STEP 4 of 4]
Running command /sbin/reboot...
Result of command:


New Contributor III

I'm assuming the zip you are trying to install was already there prior to moving to 9.2. Did you try adding a new zipped package to see if that works? We had this problem when we moved to 9. I think the problem stemmed from Casper not compressing the pkgs correctly or something. Plus there was a bug that was addressed in 9.1 I believe.

I would definitely try adding something new first. If it is Adobe CS* I would just add the zipped file directly to casper instead of letting casper do the compression.

Valued Contributor II

it was added after the migration. I also went to the server and pulled the copy down from it and it unzipped and installed manually just fine.


@jwojda - Did you get this figured out? I'm having a similar problem.

Valued Contributor II

nope, still fighting with it. I have one server that hasn't replicated the zip files to it, and I'm pulling that share down to my test box so I can get a copy of the original files (unzipped), unfortunately, it's going to take at least 9hrs.


I'm seeing the same thing with my DP and Casper Admin on 9.2. I notice that it is happening with my adobe packages. Haven't been able to find a fix either. I'll keep digging.

Glad its not just me.


I don't know if this is going to be the solution or not, but it's something for you to try. Our winclone images all broke, and I spoke with support. There is a defect in the CA conversion that runs where it is zipping up things it should not be. Try unzipping one of the packages you are having problems with, leave it on the JSS storage, and change the CA item to point to it.

With my winclone images at least if I looked in CA at the entry it still pointed to the not zipped name, kind of indicating that it should not have been zipped at all. The defect number is D-005603 if you want to call your support rep and ask them if that defect could be effecting your adobe installs too.

New Contributor

I was also having the same problem with CS6 Master Collection. Design and Web premium was fine though. I followed the advice of jbembry and zipped up my adobe package first and then imported into casper admin. Works without issue now.