Jamf Protect configuration profile not installing

New Contributor

Hi all

I have setup our Jamf Protect tenant and have integrated it with Jamf Pro.

Ive setup Jamf Pro to automatically install the Jamf Protect Plan. When it trys to install the configuration profile on a macbook I get the following error message

“The certificate could not be verified (authentication error)”

Also, when I save the Jamf Protect configuration profile, it says Error Check your Jamf Server Software logs. When I look at the logs it doesn’t make much sense to me.



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello @ssrai20 

Sorry to hear you are having issues deploying the Configuration Profile.

I assume you receive this error within Jamf Pro?

Does the Configuration Profile that has been synced by using the Jamf Protect integration in Jamf Pro contain the payloads like

  • Certificate
    • Jamf Protect Root CA
    • Jamf Protect CSR
    • WebSocket Authentication Certificate
  • Privacy Preferences Policy Control
  • Application & Custom Settings
    • Containing Bootstrap token for Jamf Protect on the preference domain com.jamf.protect
  • System Extension

To ease the troubleshooting, could you add some screenshots?


New Contributor


I have resolved this issue now. The issue was the agent protocol in the plan was not set to websocket/mqtt. It was set to mqtt:443. 


New Contributor III

Not to resurrect this thread, but I am seeing a similar issue when configuring JAMF Protect.  JAMF Protect API does a nice job of auto configuring the account in JAMF Pro, but I am also seeing the same error(“The certificate could not be verified (authentication error)”).  I did try changing the protocol with no luck.  The config profile seemed to sync with JAMF Pro fine, so I do see all those Certs in the default JAMF Pro profile that Protect auto creates when configuring.  I am scoping this to install in pre-stage.  When looking at my logs though, I can see it failing to install the config profile and then it will try again.  Any other troubleshoot tips?

