add app to group such as like create a group


Hi All

What is the reason, that it not possible to choose and add Apps over the smart groups? Why is it necessary to go over the groups? And if when I will like create a group, than is possible do choose over checkbox all my Apps.

It is such a hassle to select each app individually and add the group. 

Why is it not feasible, like import a csv file?

Any ideas? 

Best Regards





Contributor III

Hi Peter,

I might not be understanding your question. You can manually add apps to any Device Group (during creation or after creation) by clicking to select each app. It is a little hard when adding dozens of apps.

But I'm guessing that you are asking about having to add dozens of apps. There is no way that I know of to upload a CSV for a Device Group.

If I didn't understand your question, try explaining again what the issue is. Even post in another language if that is easier.


Greg Bobbett


Hi Greg, 

sorry for my spelling in my last message. But I think, you have understand my issue. I know, that I can manually add apps to any Device Group (during creation or after creation) by clicking to select each app. But it is not possible to click on one of the smart groups and select many apps that I want to have in the group. There is only the other way through the app, where I have to select the group I need to add the app to.
