Allow Game Center on managed Apple ID

New Contributor


First of all I know close to nothing about MDM..

I work at a school in Sweden where our students have managed Apple IDs on their iPads.

The thing is that when they try to log in to Game Center they get the message that the managed Apple ID won’t allow this.

is there any way to turn this feature on? I looked at the profile for our devices and the box that said “allow Game Center” is checked but it won’t work.. it it that our devices allows Game Center but the Apple IDs don’t? If that’s the case how do I change it..?

(if you have an answer please explain it to me like I was 5 years old because I’m very new to all of this)

Thank you.


Contributor III

With Managed Apple ID's (classed as corporate ownership) there is quite a few limitations of its AppleID/iCloud abilities when compare to using a normal Apple ID (classed as personal ownership); for example anything that needs payment details can not use a Managed Apple ID, for payment services it can only be a standard Apple ID so a credit card or other payment method can be added.
It would be safe to assume this is a limitation of Apple, not Jamf (or general MDM capabilities).
I would reach out to Apple for this requirement.