Posted on 11-22-2024 08:03 AM
Just wanted to give a quick issue-resolution I came across; our Jamf School instance (set up by someone else) has an issue with apps for macOS lingering in the "Pending" status. I am new to MDM, but my initial thought was that it was due to multiple device groups calling on Google Chrome to be installed, we have an "All Mac's" group and a "Student Group" both having Chrome and multiple other apps scoped to them simultaneously. I had a machine I was erasing for a student and I found no apps were getting past "Pending", so I decided to attempt to manually place another app on there not typically given to students, and boom, all the apps started installing.
I have gotten most of them down, but there are still a few apps that are lingering now on "Installing", could that be due to those apps attempting to install themselves from multiple groups?
Posted on 11-29-2024 01:06 AM
Hello, jgb
If the same app is assigned to multiple groups with different settings, Jamf might be struggling to figure out how to deploy it. Check the deployment scopes to make sure apps aren't being assigned to multiple conflicting groups.
Some apps may depend on others, and if a prerequisite app is stuck in a pending or installing state, that can cause a chain reaction. Review the logs in Jamf School to see if there are any error messages related to those apps. Try re-scoping the apps or removing them from one of the groups temporarily, then pushing them to only one group at a time. If the apps are still stuck, try re-enrolling the device or initiating a fresh app install after clearing any old app cache.
Hope that helps!