ATV and Netflix mirroring from Teacher iPad

New Contributor II

Does anybody have a solution for teachers with managed iPads to mirror a Netflix Video from their iPad to the Classroom ATV ? Netflix account is a personal account, as the school does not have any.

Thanks for your help



Contributor III

If you are trying to Airplay, Netflix doesn't support it anymore. 

From Black screen with sound | Netflix Help Center
If you use Airplay or Screen Mirroring
Airplay and Screen Mirroring are no longer supported by Netflix.
To use your iPhone or iPad to watch Netflix on a TV, use a supported connection.
Also it has to be an 'ad free; type of account:

How to use a mobile device to watch Netflix on a TV | Netflix Help Center

Greg Bobbett

Valued Contributor

@ger @GregBobbett is correct in that airplay is no longer supported.

We push the netflix app onto the apple tv as the user needs to log into that, either via Apple TV remote (HA!) or using iPadOS / iOS : Apple TV remote control in control centre

Valued Contributor II

We make it easy. We block Netflix entirely and provide an alternate streaming service that's AirPlay friendly. Same goes for Prime Video, Max, Disney+, etc. 

We read the EULA and the legalese of each service and determined as a district we don't want that liability on our shoulders.

Valued Contributor

If only all my solutions to requests was a deny list, I'd be up to date on work in no time..

Valued Contributor II

True, but in this case legal won that battle. Plus it's easier. We use Swank for licensing the physical media playback anyways so we just tacked on the streaming service and we have our butts covered. 

Valued Contributor

Thank you for detailing, it's an interesting use case and I was interested to go and find out more.

New Contributor II

Thanks for your answers.
@Bolcould you explain your solution to have the Netflix App installed on the ATVs ?

New Contributor II

how can Teachers log into their account on the ATV Netflix app?
Is it possible to have this only allowed for teacher iPads and not for student iPads?


Valued Contributor

@ger Sorry if I am missing something here but you would assign license / push out the managed app via MDM / Jamf to the apple tv device, it is the same as the ipadOS app.
Instead of airplay you are now playing the content directly via the Netflix app installed on the Apple TV.

Valued Contributor

As unhelpful as it sounds, anyone that has a netflix account and wants to display content, will need to log into the Apple TV app then navigate the interface to play. 
Airplay (I imagine) has less ways of ramming adverts down your throat so the main streaming apps cut off support as opposed streaming content directly in app.

New Contributor II

Netflix App is pushed to the ATVs.

But how do tge teachers get their Netflix Login onto the ATV Netflix App?

1) Do you use the ATV-remote from ControlCenter?

2) Is it oossible to give access for ATV-remote only to managed Techer iPads?

Valued Contributor

Ok great. Yes either, just depends if they still have the remote but sign-in on screen.

* Yes we do, either by managed iPad or unmanaged iOS device.
* Yes it sure is, send out a profile to your Apple TV's and allow list either;

- iOS devices that are allowed to use Apple TV Remote app with this ATV
- Apple TV's that are allowed to be controlled with iOS / Apple TV Remote app

You can browse individual managed devices to select and it will populate: name and mac address. Otherwise, set to all allowed.



New Contributor II

Thank you, I will give it a look tomorrow 👍

Btw , where does your screenshot come from?

Valued Contributor

No problem, located under;
Mobile Devices -> Configuration Profiles -> TV Remote 



New Contributor II

Sorry @Bol , I can't follow your path, are you in JAMF School or JAMF Buisnes?

Valued Contributor

Sorry @ger I'm using on premise, Jamf Pro: Devices / Configuration Profiles: TV Remote payload.
Also there is the Restrictions payload with the option: Pairing TV with Remote app which can be set to allowed.


Hope that helps.

New Contributor II

I have to use JAMF School, and it seems to be different to your PRO version.
In ATV Profile under tvOS payload / Apple TV Remote / I may allow all devices with Apple TV Remote App to control ATVs. Or I may enter the MAC-Address of allowed devices. 

As I do not want students to use the Netflix App and as I do not want them to control the ATVs with their iPad, I did not select the ALL devices option.
For testing purpose I entered the MAC of my iPhone, WLAN and Bluetooth.  ( do I have to enter it with or without : , like AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF or like AABBCCDDEEFF )
But I could not connect to the ATV.
I do not have your "Controlled Apple TV Devices" option, but I may assign a device group containing the ATVs to the profile.

For your other screenshot on "Restrictions"/"Functionality" I do not have any "Pairing ATV with Remote App option"


Unfortunately my JAMF School WebUserInterface is in german and I can not find any setting to switch to english, Windows and Browser are set to english. My account information is even shown in  english. :-(

Thanks for your help


Valued Contributor

The language of these settings is confusing to me but as I see it, use the allowed iOS devices to approve your iPhone (AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF), to then apply this profile on an Apple TV.

Controlled Apple TV devices setting is where you enter the mac address of the ATV, then apply the profile to your iOS devices that are allowed to connect using the remote app. So only one is required

Sample profile;

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “”>
<plist version=”1.0”>
<string>TV Remote</string>

- TVRemote.AllowedTVsItem


- TVRemote.AllowedRemotesItem


Strange about not seeing the settings, maybe just confirm there isn't any filtering toggled on when creating the profile as those two settings are meant for different models and will disappear if filtered with the other device. Good luck!




New Contributor

Hello Jamf Community,

Mirroring Netflix from a managed iPad to an Apple TV in the classroom can be challenging due to restrictions on casting copyrighted content like Netflix from mobile devices. Most streaming platforms block AirPlay or similar mirroring for protected content to prevent unauthorized sharing. Unfortunately, even with a personal account, Netflix’s built-in protections typically prevent mirroring directly from iPads to an Apple TV. For educational settings, consider alternatives like Magis TV, which may offer more accessible content-sharing options suitable for classrooms without the same restrictions.


Valued Contributor

When you publicly stream copyright content via airplay / hdmi etc. to an audience, they cannot consistenlty track / serve you advertisement.

Using their apps while logged into a personal account will allow them to track and serve you adverts correctly. 

That is why they slowly closed off those options.. To better slam an Advert down your throat.

New Contributor

Netflix does not allow screen mirroring or AirPlay for its content because of copyright protections, so you won't be able to mirror a Netflix video from your iPad to the classroom Apple TV. However, you can try using MagisTV as an alternative. It might allow you to stream and mirror videos to the Apple TV, depending on its settings.

Another option is to connect the iPad directly to the TV using an HDMI cable and adapter, which could work if the iPad’s settings allow it.

I hope this helps!

New Contributor

Mirroring Netflix from a managed iPad to a classroom Apple TV can be tricky due to app restrictions and DRM protection. One solution is to ensure the Apple TV and iPad are on the same network, then use AirPlay to stream the screen. However, Netflix might block this due to copyright policies. A workaround could involve downloading the Netflix content to the iPad beforehand, though this still won’t allow for mirroring directly to the Apple TV.

Valued Contributor

Haha I see what you did there, nice.


Bad bot

New Contributor

Netflix blocks AirPlay to Apple TV. Try using an HDMI adapter or screen mirroring apps like AirServer or Reflector.