Automatic WiFi Logon - Payload for WiFi not updating

New Contributor

Hey everyone,

at the moment we're testing a new WiFi network. Some of our students iPads have been assigned a profile for that WiFi network, so they can log in while supervised with their teachers. The profile is set to not automaticly log into the wifi network, so the iPads don't just yet rely on that network. Now I tried to update that setting so that the iPads SHOULD automatically log into the wifi network, but the setting on the iPads themselves does not update, even tough the profile has been updated in Jamf School. The other way around (iPads connect automaticly and the profile is updated so they don't do that) the setting updates as intended.

Is this a bug? Does anyone have an idea how to get around this issue without making the iPads forget the WiFi completly?


Contributor III

My gut reaction is that during the profile update process, the device disconnected before the process command could be completed. So either the profile got corrupted, the switch to activate auto-connect didn't get applied or the cert was removed but not reinstalled.

Just curious if your wi-fi is in a separate profile from your restrictions and certs? I found that having those in different profiles helped us with some connection issues. To that point, I have a smart group set to apply the wi-fi profile to all active devices with an owner just to make sure it is always there.

Not sure if this helps at all, but...

Our district has an open/unfiltered SSID that we have for device setup. It is disabled 98% of the time so students can't get stupid with unfiltered internet access. We only turn it on during setup sessions and instances where we need to repush corrupt profiles to a 'stuck' device. Because it's used during initial setup it's a remembered wi-fi on the device and typically a device that won't connect to the profiled wi-fi will connect to this one so we can repush.

Any time I need to make a change I have that SSID turned on to make sure there's some sort of connectivity available to the iPads.

I hope some of this helps. 

Greg Bobbett