3 weeks ago
We are using JAMF School, and I wanted to update the logo in DEP. Unfortunately, every time I try to change it in the settings under "Appearance," I receive an error with the following message:
"An error occurred while saving - The following error occurred: Our development team is notified about this problem. Problem identification:"
The size and format are correct, and the file is quite small. Are there any specific rules?
3 weeks ago
From Jamf School documentation: It is recommended that you upload a PNG or JPG file with dimensions of 900 x 200 pixels.
So, how big and which format is the picture? If size is not the issue, contact Jamf support to check if there's something else at fault in your tenant.
3 weeks ago
Hello! Yes, the size is correct. It’s 900x200, and I’ve tried both JPG and PNG formats, but neither worked. I guess I’ll have to submit a ticket. Thanks anyway!
3 weeks ago
You're welcome! Let us know if the resolution lies in the user accessible side of Jamf School or behind the curtains. Could be interesting.
3 weeks ago
Hey! Actually, the problem is really behind the curtain! I was informed that they tried to replicate the issue and encountered the same error. Once it’s resolved, it will be noted in the release notes.