Error uploading a .dmg in jamf school

Contributor II

I am trying to upload a dmg to Jamf School for an Application that isn't in the App Store and I get an error on the upload. 


It was fine to upload in Jamf Pro but we are migrating to Jamf School and get an error.


The Error is "Error:The uploaded asset could not be processed.


Contributor II

Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 2.39.53 PM.png

Valued Contributor II

Since School is an MDM only product it most likely uses the installenterpriseapplication mdm command to lay down installers. That won't bode well for DMG's since they're essentially a disk image and that command needs a pkg. You'll need to convert that DMG to a PKG using Composer or another similar tool.

For what it's worth Jamf Pro also has issues with DMG's because of the above issue.