Extend idle timeout - 15 minutes is not long enough

New Contributor III

Here everyone - please go and vote for this in the feature requests.  It is annoying to have to spend 1/2 the day logging back into Jamf and waiting for the page to load.  




Valued Contributor III

This option is part of jamf premium.. I’m not sure but the shared code base of standard jamf cloud may make this not an option 

back in the days of on prem you just tickled a file.. 

there are some fudges / plugins that may help.. but eventually you learn to live with it … 

New Contributor III

Checkout my little project to help with this https://github.com/fveja/JSSCaffeinate in the mean time.

Valued Contributor III

EDIT: only just noticed this was for JAMF School.. my comment may not be correct.. 

@Fveja this seems to work well with Arc Browser and a boost.. no need for 3rd party extensions 

New Contributor III

Have not tried it on JAMF School, as I don't have access.  I created that and tested it on JAMF Pro, but would love to know if it works on JAMF School as well. 

Honored Contributor

There is also the issue of the Jamf web interface logging you out if you reload the page.  Not 100% of the time, but most of the time and I hate it!

I was told to "only have one page open" when using Jamf which is absurd...


Honored Contributor

Also, if you want to keep a page alive (frontmost page) you can use this in Script Editor, which I do.

Just make a new file and paste this in.  Hit the > "Run" button to use it.  

tell application "Safari"
		set URL of document of window 1 to URL of document of window 1
		delay 999 --551 
	end repeat
end tell