guest mode seemingly not allowed with shared ipads when also linked to classes.

New Contributor

We have shared ipads set up with jamf school. I can have classes appearing on them OR I can have them just use guest mode but I don't seem to be able to have the option for both. Basically a teacher wants to allow a couple of students to sign into a shared device but also allow others to use the ipad as a guest. Currently throughout the year the number of users logging in grows and grows which isn't ideal. Is it possible to have both? Our students are 5 year olds so the simpler it is for them the better.





New Contributor III

We have the same issue, guest option is dissapear.

New Contributor

We found that we just weren't looking in the right place. You have to go to classes -> one of the classes that has shared ipads assigned -> details -> edit details and there's a tick box in there.


Hope that helps.