Posted on 08-15-2023 06:22 AM
Hi everyone,
I use JAMF School to administrate the iPads from our school. Most of them don't belong to a specific user, but are borrowed by the students for only one lesson and then given back. That's why the devices "collect" lots of stuff like photos or documents.
Is there a way to delete only this user saved data from the devices without losing apps, group affiliation etc. ? I have found "wipe device", which seems to do this (?), but it's not very feasible to do it manually for every single device.
What I'd like to have is a command that deletes only the user stored data, preferably automatically like every monday or such - not only for one device, but for every device in a group. I don't want to have to re-enroll the devices or lose their profiles, device group etc.
Thank you in advance!
(Sorry for mistakes, I'm not a native speaker ;-) )
Posted on 08-23-2023 07:10 PM
Hi MampfJamf,
Would Shared iPad mode work for your situation?
You can setup iPads to work in a temporary session so user data is wiped after each use. You can also set a time-out for inactivity after which devices will automatically logout and wipe user data. we use similar setups for our classrooms that do not assign devices.
Documentation on how to set it up can be found:
Step 9 of "Configuring Shared iPad Settings" speaks about temporary sessions and timeouts.
Hope that helps!