Jamf School - Managed Apps - Failed Internal Error

New Contributor III


I am finding that some apps are failing to install on iPads and the details listed are "Internal Error." Has anyone else encountered this? When I had apps fail to load in Jamf Pro I would wipe the iPad and re-enroll and they would all load. I was hoping to find a different solution in Jamf School. Thanks


New Contributor III

I have installed lots of Apps with Jamf School to iPads. A couple of questions come to mind. There are apps for iPadOS and apps for macOS, make sure you are trying to push an iPadOS app.

Sometimes apps start to install, and will just "hang", they appeared greyed out on the iPad like they are trying to install, but never complete the process. Touch and hold the app icon, a menu will pop up. Then tap anywhere on the iPad display to make that menu go away, then tap and hold on the app icon again, a menu will appear, this time you will have an option "cancel download". Tap that.

Sometimes when apps fail to install, I restart the iPad, and then the app begin installing. I know this isn't much, but maybe it will spark an idea for you.


Hi Janell, yes I encounter this all the time. I am unsure as to what the issue is, perhaps it is some sort of TCP/UDP packet transport error to the device over network? Anyway, as a work around in Jamf School, I go to the Jamf School App Inventory open the App in question, find the device in the "Devices in Scope" tab and click the checkbox and it tries to install the app again.

New Contributor III

Thanks. I wish there was a one click option to retry all devices with a status of "Failed" in an app and the option to reinstall from the app rather than going to the device. Or am I missing something?


Yes we are currently missing that option for mass items, maybe suggest it as a feature in a future release? https://ideas.jamf.com/

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