3 weeks ago
Is anyone encounter JAMF Teacher issue with after class end, restriction is not automatic restore to default.
Case by when teacher start a class with apps restriction (example Google Chrome), after class end the restricted apps (Google Chrome) will not automatic restore/reappear?
Is it normal? Teacher requires to manually clear all restriction when class ended to get the apps restore/reappear on student devices.
Thank you.
3 weeks ago
We have just started using Jamf Teacher with Jamf Student. I have noticed there is a delay as well. I did notice in my testing that it eventually does clear the restrictions and that you can as a teacher clear the restrictions to ensure it's cleared (even if the timer is expired). Interested in any further insights for myself as well.
3 weeks ago
Hi dletkeman,
The is clear restrictions automatic clear after class end (Timer expired) or still need teacher remember to clear the restrictions before teacher left the class.
When I test, teacher class end (timer expired) and teacher left class after few minutes (about 5 minutes) to ensure all student leave the class. Without manually clear restriction, student still under same class restriction.
Not sure is it normal or really need to wait longer time?
3 weeks ago
Yeah, I understand what you are saying. I'm experiencing that too in some cases. Not sure what the answer is.